Against the Wind

Fiction - Adventure
322 Pages
Reviewed on 09/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Against the Wind by A.W. Baldwin is a gripping thriller that takes readers on a high-stakes adventure. The story revolves around Chloe, a young teenage pilot, and Professor Richard Dochauser, an esteemed quantum physics expert, who find themselves on the run for different reasons. Chloe flees from her cruel foster parents' home and escapes in a taildragger airplane with the hope of reaching her grandfather in Spokane. Meanwhile, Professor Dochauser, who has just made a groundbreaking quantum physics discovery, is being hunted down by a Russian spy who recently killed the professor's assistant. As Chloe's and Professor Dochauser's paths cross, they form an unlikely alliance to evade their pursuers. Set against the backdrop of the vast American landscapes, they navigate treacherous skies and confront the danger that lurks around every corner.

Against the Wind by A.W. Baldwin is a captivating story filled with suspense and action. The well-developed characters, including heroes and villains, make it easy for readers to become invested in their stories. The supporting characters are also intriguing, adding depth and richness to the narrative with their unique personalities and motivations. The inclusion of educational elements on aeronautics, science, and quantum physics adds an extra layer of interest to the story, resulting in a unique read. The story also conveys valuable lessons on perseverance, determination, and the importance of human connections. Chloe and Professor Dochauser are inspiring characters, and their gradual bond and display of kindness toward each other serve as a powerful reminder of the positive impact that human relationships can have on our lives. Overall, Against the Wind is a page-turner and a must-read for anyone who enjoys thrilling adventure novels with memorable characters.

Stefan Vucak

Chloe sort of ‘borrows’ her instructor’s aircraft to run away from terrible foster parents, intending to fly to Spokane and live with her grandfather. As she prepares to take off, Richard, a physicist who invented a radical quantum computer, scrambles into the aircraft, with a Russian spy who wants the thing close on his heels. A mad adventure begins as Chloe hops from one lonely airfield to another to refuel and rest up. The Russians are after her, as are her foster parents, and the FBI. Chloe hasn’t done her solo flight and is not a qualified pilot, but she learns quickly. Richard is desperate to contact the authorities, but the Russians don’t give them time to do anything but run. It all comes together in a shattering climax in Against the Wind by A.W. Baldwin.

In Against the Wind, the author gives young teen readers a thrilling page-turning, fast-paced adventure who will keep cheering as Chloe gets herself and Richard out of one scrape, only to land in another, but still manages to avoid disaster. A.W. Baldwin doesn’t dwell on characterization or deep plotting, content to let action carry the story, which will satisfy young readers who simply want to find out what happens next. The glimpses into Chloe's and Richard’s characters add an endearing human element. The story touches on the mystery of quantum computing and brings into context why the Russians want Richard’s discovery. This blends nicely with Chloe’s flying sequences. Against the Wind can easily be read in one session, and A.W. Baldwin will soon have a solid following of readers.

Pikasho Deka

Against The Wind is a crime/thriller adventure novel by A.W. Baldwin. After having enough of her abusive foster parents, sixteen-year-old Chloe Rochelle flees on a stolen 1946 Aeronca Chief airplane and heads toward Spokane, Washington to reunite with her grandfather. As she is ready to take off from the airport, however, Dr. Richard "Doc" Dochauser, a physics professor, boards her plane in fear for his life, being chased by a Russian FSB agent named Robert Morozov. Doc has developed a new computer module enhanced by revolutionary quantum tech, which the Russians want. Meanwhile, an amber alert has been raised for Chloe, leading Deputy Yazzie on the chase. In addition, FBI Special Agent Brad Johansen is also on their trail. With their lives in grave danger, will Chloe and Doc be able to reach their destination?

Against The Wind is a captivating adventure drama with plenty of action, thrills, and intrigue. Author A.W. Baldwin puts readers in the scheme of things from the get-go, and it's a non-stop thrill ride from there. Each passing chapter brings new challenges to overcome for the two main protagonists, and as a reader, you want them to succeed and evade their pursuers. This is because the two main characters are not only likable but also relatable. The unlikely friendship between Chloe and Doc was another highlight of the book for me. I particularly enjoyed Doc's explanations of quantum physics, dark energy, and dark matter. In conclusion, the story plays out like an action-packed, survival adventure thriller. I heartily recommend it to young adults and adult readers alike.