Allegro to Life

Poetry - General
118 Pages
Reviewed on 09/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Allegro to Life is a collection of reflective poems by Earl Vincent de Berge. They explore themes of nature, human experiences, social struggles, and resilience. The poems are divided into three parts: Songs from My Life, Poems From Guatemala, and Desert Songs. The first part explores the natural environment and reflects on life's fleeting nature, wars, inequality, and pollution. It also covers love, memory, loss, relationships, and human existence. The second section tells a story about Guatemalan life, culture, and history. It contrasts the region's natural beauty with the social challenges the residents face daily. The last part has poems that explore the wildlife of the silent Baja California desert, reflecting on the area's dark history. Overall, the collection invites readers to contemplate the interconnectedness of human experiences and the natural world, while addressing pressing issues of social justice, love, and the passage of time.

I enjoyed reading Allegro to Life because it is well-written and thought-provoking. We often forget the struggles that others face around the world and lack awareness about the damage we are causing to the environment. The poems in this collection are a great reminder of these challenges, encouraging us to be empathetic and mindful. Earl Vincent de Berge offers readers a unique perspective, fostering understanding and connection to others and the world around them. His rhyming verses and the smooth flow of his words made the poems engaging to read. The use of simple language ensures that the poems are understood by people from all walks of life, giving the book a wider audience. I loved the pictures that accompanied the poems because they added a visual interpretation that made the work impactful. This is great work and a must-read for anyone who loves poems that tackle social issues and celebrate nature.