An American Christmas Carol

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
74 Pages
Reviewed on 05/22/2024
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Author Biography

Christopher Schildt pursued his passion for writing by attending the University of Connecticut and studying creative writing at Connecticut College under Dr. Alice Johnson, dean emeritus and professor of English, and at the Eugene O'Neill Center for the Arts under Ernest Schier, former president of the National Critics Institute. He later published two novels with Simon & Schuster, reimagining classic tales with a modern twist—Frankenstein and Dracula, in collaboration with Universal Studios.

Christopher's dedication to serving his country led him to work as a police officer, where he demonstrated exceptional bravery by rescuing two children from a frozen swamp, an act recognized with the prestigious Medal of Bravery. He suffered a traumatic brain injury while attempting to arrest an armed suspect, leaving him permanently disabled.

Over the past 25 years, Christopher has focused on his recovery, undergoing treatment at Yale-New Haven Hospital, Saint Raphael’s, Gaylord Hospital in Wallingford, Connecticut, and Hartford Hospital's Institute of Living. Encouraged by his healthcare provider, Dr. James Jacobson, he recently completed An American Christmas Carol, his first literary work since the injury, showcasing his resilience and creative spirit despite his disability.

Christopher currently resides in Florida with his Australian Shepherd, Georgie, continuing his writing journey and inspiring others with his story of perseverance.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Revisit Charles Dickens' famous Christmas tale in a new light with Christopher Schildt's An American Christmas Carol. Seven years have passed since the death of his partner Edward Marley, and Henry Rutherford still runs the offices of Marley & Rutherford, a Boston law firm, as efficiently and ruthlessly as ever. Rutherford hates everything to do with Christmas. On this Christmas, he has a few choice words to say to his niece Julia Wickham and his clerk William Cratchit. But tonight is different. Marley's phantom visits Rutherford, warning him about the three ghosts that will show him the error of his ways and their consequences. Soon, Rutherford finds himself embarking on a journey with the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and yet to come. Will he show remorse and make amends for his mistakes?

A retelling of Charles Dickens' story, An American Christmas Carol keeps the spark of Christmas alive with this heartwarming rendition. Christopher Schildt's tale follows a similar narrative to the original story with an entirely new cast of characters. Henry Rutherford is every bit as miserly, selfish, and greedy as Ebenezer Scrooge. At the start of the story, he is a bitter and crotchety old man who fails to see the needs of others and empathize with them. As the story progresses, we learn he was not like this when he was young but slowly morphed into the man he later became. The author makes you sympathize with his characters, even someone like Rutherford. As far as Christmas stories go, this one is a must-read. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and you should too!