An Unfinished Marriage

Fiction - Drama
346 Pages
Reviewed on 09/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

An Unfinished Marriage by Cindy Bonner will appeal to fans of family drama and romance novels with a touch of suspense. Sarah and Adam Glasser go through hard times as their marriage falls apart. Adam asks Sarah for divorce, but she manages to maintain the fragile equilibrium of their family. Yet, Adam has a drinking problem, and Sarah feels neglected. Adam even leaves the renovation of their Victorian house to Sarah to handle. Little by little, Sarah is attracted to a carpenter named Troy Middleton. Finding herself in the middle of a turmoil that includes her best friend, Carolyn, Sarah dares to take an unexpected step. Will a committed mother of two sons risk everything for an affair with a stranger? With her established way of life at stake, Sarah must make important decisions.

Cindy Bonner's An Unfinished Marriage starts slowly and allows us to get to know Sarah and understand the scale of her inner struggle. But the narrative picks up the pace as the events unfold, making us turn the pages impatiently. This story is absorbing, and we cannot wait to learn its outcome. This talented author lets us decide who is right and wrong in these dramatic circumstances, providing us with three different points of view. The narration smoothly shifts between Sarah's, Troy's, and Adam's perspectives. Surprisingly, Adam evokes sympathy no less than Sarah, who tries to find her way, or Troy with his open heart. Adam is a profound character facing internal conflict, and it's difficult to say whether he is "a sinner or a saint." Bonner explores the burning topic of gun ownership and warns against careless weapon handling. I highly recommend this gripping book to readers preferring character-driven stories.