Any One of Us

Fiction - Drama
98 Pages
Reviewed on 04/08/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Isis shared an apartment with her friends Lauren and Janet. Lauren introduced her to Thomas never suspecting the terror that would follow. Isis and Thomas had been dating three weeks when everything went wrong. At first Isis was fascinated with Thomas and wondered if he could be Mr. Right but her opinion quickly changed on their last date. Without asking her permission he took her to a party at his frat house. There were empty beer cans strewn about; Thomas left her on her own as he went off with a couple of his buddies. Then she saw him flirting with two women. After demanding to leave he took Isis back to her apartment where he insisted on coming in despite her reluctance. His actions after that were unconscionable; he beat and raped her. When her friends returned they found Isis hiding in the closet naked, swollen and bruised. Although Isis begged her not to, Janet called the police. The deputy arrested Thomas but his father wouldn’t stand for it. When the Sheriff questioned Isis he treated her as though she were at fault. The nightmare did not end there; it was just beginning.

This is a very difficult book to review for it elicits very strong emotions. Thomas and his father believed they were above the law. I did not trust Isis’s uncle; something about him made me uneasy. Her dreams belied her conflicting emotions. Kyle L. Higgins has created a passionate plot that is realistic. However, the characters need fleshing out. With a bit more work this could be a very good read.