Ashton’s Secret

Romance - Contemporary
260 Pages
Reviewed on 08/10/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Megan Edwards came to Ashton ,New York  to find the truth behind the death of her sister. It had been ruled a suicide by a drug overdose. Megan could not believe Heather had killed herself.  The body was found in the barn loft at the home of Nicholas (Hawk).  He was accused of murdering her.  Although found innocent some in town still believed he killed her. Five years had passed.  However, he wanted to find out what really happened.

As the story gathered momentum, Nicholas was falling for Meghan.  She refused to fall for someone hiding secrets.

The author has written a most compelling story that will keep one wondering  want really happened and what is the secret the town is hiding. Where does the truth  and blame lie and who all is involved. There is  just the right amount of romance and suspense in Ashton’s Secret.


Five years ago Heather Morgan died from a drug overdose which was ruled a suicide. Her sister, Photojournalist Meghan Edwards, has never believed the official findings. Pretending she wants to do a story on the quiet town where Heather lived, Meghan heads to Ashton for answers. Her only lead is a man Heather had referred to in letters as "Hawk." When Meghan meets Nicholas Hawkinson, she suspects he may be the man she's looking for and decides to befriend him for information.

Nick doesn't need anyone, particularly a woman he finds himself attracted to, asking questions about Heather. Despite the official ruling, no one had believed Heather's death was a suicide, and Nick had been deemed the prime suspect. He eventually left Ashton, but has now returned to clear his name and uncover the truth not only about Heather but other secrets hidden in the town.

NJRW Golden Leaf and EPPIE award winning author Liana Laverentz has laced an enjoyable, mystifying story. Her characters work slowly and calculatingly at discovering the truth and readers work right along with them. Their love story sorts itself out in much the same manner. Although Nick and Meghan both secretly admit an attraction to each other, their primary focus is finding Heather's killer. That Meghan and Nick's romance is a dose of charm mixed with sensuality advances the novel.

Ashton's Secret is an emotional journey. Liana Laverentz's enchanting narrative keeps readers mesmerized. This is a great novel for readers who like mystery with their romance.