Billy Be Kind

My BIG Feelings

Children - Social Issues
48 Pages
Reviewed on 06/23/2024
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Author Biography

Kim Adams is a three-time bestselling author, an entrepreneur, and an advocate for early childhood education. In 2020, armed with a strong purpose and commitment to contribute to the growth and development of young children, she wrote and published the first three books of her award-winning series. The Billy Be Kind Series reflects her passion for transforming everyday moments into learning opportunities in hopes of positively impacting children's lives through her writing.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Billy Be Kind: My BIG Feelings by Kim Adams is a children's picture book about social issues. Olivia was sad because her best friend Maya was moving away. Billy Be Kind is a friendly little mouse, and he wants to help Olivia manage her emotions. Olivia was struggling to calm herself down when she begged Maya to stay. She got angry; stomping her feet, slamming doors, and throwing things around. Billy decided to help so they played a game that helped Olivia work out her emotions and learn to calm down. Billy Be Kind was the best thing to happen to Olivia on that sad day, as he helped her manage her big feelings.

Billy Be Kind by Kim Adams is a wonderful children's story with vibrant illustrations by Ayesha Warusavitharana that pop off each page. It is written in rhyme, which makes it easier to read and follow, and in simple language that any child can understand. The illustrations will help kids understand exactly what is being said. The characters are lovely – our main one, Olivia, is struggling to cope with and contain her feelings when she receives some sad news, and Billy is a cute mouse who teaches her how to cope. He uses several simple techniques, such as naming feelings, deep breathing, and writing everything down. This book is perfect for teaching children how to handle what could become overwhelming feelings, and there are some exercises at the end of the book that can be repeated as many times as needed. These include coloring, identifying emotions from pictures, and deep breathing techniques. All in all, this is a fun book and kids will learn a lot from it about how to cope with emotion.