
The Binding Tenets Trilogy Book 1

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
328 Pages
Reviewed on 07/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ibrahim Aslan for Readers' Favorite

In Bloodwoven: The Binding Tenets Trilogy (book one), G.J. Terral skillfully narrates the adventures of Lin, a resilient Ferrucium soldier. Lin must safely guide two escortees (Margaret and Aemun) to a secure, assigned location. A quick stop in a small village results in an unexpected attack by a dangerous creature, known as an untethered. When one of the travelers is killed, Lin and Tylle, a female prisoner, are left to defend themselves. Another attack results in a badly wounded Lin, who now depends on Tylle for recovery. Tylle saves Lin with forbidden magic--similar to the magic responsible for, and used by, the untethered. This makes Lin ponder his allegiances and Tylle's true origins. As they press on, many questions arise. Can they trust each other? Will they survive? Will Lin betray Tylle at an opportune moment? Who is responsible for these attacks and why? These questions will fill your mind as you read this exhilarating story.

Bloodwoven is a glorious mix of adventure, action, and fantasy. G.J. Terral spins the magical and fantasy themes beautifully in this novel. Lin and Tylle have good chemistry. Her patience and compassion, combined with his anxiety and commitment to being a loyal soldier, bring power to their performance. I loved Lin's inner conflict about the tethered/untethered dilemma. His fear of becoming a monster is what strengthens his humanity. Lin's interaction with Margaret's infant is a nice touch. I hope we see more of their interaction, and Tylle's presence, in future installments. The setting fully draws you in. I feel the characters' world will expand in book two, and I'm hoping it does. They need room to breathe and grow as characters. I recommend this astounding book to fans of fantasy fiction. Prepare to be amazed.