Calm in Chaos

Mindfulness and Meditation for Busy Professionals

Non-Fiction - Self Help
102 Pages
Reviewed on 07/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Donna Parrey for Readers' Favorite

What business professional hasn’t been bombarded with an overload of things to do, people to interact with, and places that require their presence? Thanh Nguyen has written an important book to help people ratchet down the stress and bring peace into their lives. Calm in Chaos: Mindfulness and Meditation for Busy Professionals is a deceptively small book that can have an immense impact on one’s life. Thanh Nguyen provides readers with an introduction to the concept of ‘mindfulness’ and useful tips for incorporating meditation and mindfulness into their work days and their lives. She combines her corporate experience, scientific evidence, and knowledge of ancient practices to present these gems of wisdom. There is also a list of suggested reading for those who wish to further their knowledge of these concepts.

In Calm in Chaos, author Thanh Nguyen encourages readers to examine their “busyness” and ask themselves if this is how they want to live their lives. The message is one that many business professionals need to hear and heed. She provides meaningful counsel on not letting the past or the future meddle with one’s current doings. Each chapter is named – such as “How to Meditate” and “Navigate the Storm After Losing a Job” – so readers can quickly locate a particular section if the need should arise. Calm in Chaos would make an excellent gift for a new college graduate, someone who’s just been promoted, or perhaps even as a team resource for an entire staff. Just seeing the subdued colors of sand and stone on the cover brings about a peaceful feeling. Thanh Nguyen’s book is the perfect addition to corporate and home libraries.

Philip Van Heusen

Are you overwhelmed by your busyness and seeking to bring calmness into your life? If so, Calm in Chaos by Thanh Nguyen will teach you how to change your life by practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness will help you solve any emotional or mental problems and make you happier. We cannot change the past and are not promised the future; therefore, we must learn to live in the present. This book gives great information on how to be professional and deal with difficult people, effective listening, redirecting your focus, and much more. One also learns that listening should be done with the heart and mind. Thanh gives the reader a rundown of many of the benefits of living in mindfulness. This book also shows the attachments that may get in the way of our living in the present. Life will be much more peaceful when we learn to add value and love to others. This is a great book for those seeking to bring calmness amidst the rat race of life.

In Calm in Chaos, Thanh Nguyn does not write from a theory about mindfulness but from a life of experience. Her writing style draws readers in from the first word and keeps them wanting more until she wraps it all up at the end. When we approach our tasks with love, the results are often wonderful. One teaching Thanh shares is we should never mistake the means for the end. One of the main keys to accomplishing a life of calmness is to practice, practice, and practice. Short times of practicing mindfulness are better than not living in mindfulness. Thanh is a leader who teaches others mindfulness, kindness, and meditation. This book will lead you on a path that enables calmness to overcome life’s storms and chaos. It will encourage the reader to practice living in the present and stop being distracted by things over which they have no control.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Calm in Chaos: Mindfulness and Meditation for Busy Professionals by Thanh Nguyen is for readers in need of solace. Nguyen describes her childhood and the events that led her to attend a Thich Nhat Hanh retreat. The author provides tips for achieving more mindfulness through our actions and mindset, and she covers instances at work where you may practice mindfulness and achieve a more productive result. Nguyen details practices for arriving home and transitioning between a hard workday and home life and touches on the value of mindfulness in our mental health. Nguyen advises on how to deal with difficult people while remaining authentic and discusses empathy, compassion, and adding value to another's learning. She encourages readers to explore and understand why they do things and shares her views on attachments and how we can live more fulfilling lives by letting them go.

Thanh Nguyen shares her knowledge, scientific studies, anecdotes, and wisdom from others who walk with mindfulness. The author extends her feelings on job loss and motivates others with her perseverance and calm while urging people with hectic lifestyles to use her tips to create a sanctuary in their minds. Nguyen's approach allows readers to open their minds in a pressure-filled environment while maintaining balance as they grow and experience self-discovery. I was surprised when she revealed a study outlining the correlation between increased gray matter in certain areas of the brain and mindfulness. Her stories remind me that even when the world is hectic or dark, I can help bring love and harmony to the people around me through my actions. Busy readers who are prepared to embark on a fulfilling journey of peace and reflection will enjoy Calm in Chaos.

Pikasho Deka

Due to hectic schedules and hyper-competitive work environments, stress and anxiety levels have risen considerably among the professionals of today's world. Practicing mindfulness is one of the best scientifically proven methods to nullify the external pressures and stress of modern living. Inspired by Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh's teachings, Thanh Nguyen presents a practical guide for modern professionals to help them find contentment and fulfillment through mindfulness and meditation. In Calm in Chaos, the author provides keen insights and observations to help readers seamlessly navigate the challenges of contemporary living while offering meditation exercises and techniques to improve the quality of their lives. Treat everyone with kindness and respect, maintain a positive outlook even amid adversity, show empathy toward others, acknowledge your inner thoughts and feelings, practice nonattachment and stillness, and reevaluate your past experiences.

Using engaging stories, personal anecdotes, and references, Thanh Nguyen showcases the benefits of mindfulness and meditation with this inspirational self-help handbook. One of the things that impressed me about this book is that everything discussed within the pages, including the exercises and actionable practices, is applicable in everyday life. Every concept is explored and explained well, and the author presents the contents in clear and concise language that is easy for all types of readers to grasp. Nguyen immigrated to America as a teenager from Vietnam, and she had to overcome her share of personal challenges. She is a student of Zen teachings and is an avid practitioner of meditation and mindfulness herself. This book is well-researched, educational, as well as motivational. A must-read for anyone struggling with work-life balance or the rigors of everyday life in general.

K.C. Finn

Calm in Chaos: Mindfulness and Meditation for Busy Professionals is a work of non-fiction in the self-help, motivational writing, and life guidance genres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. Penned by author Thanh Nguyen, this engaging book is a practical guide designed to help professionals integrate mindfulness into their hectic lives. It offers techniques and wisdom to stay centered, focused, and resilient. The book explores the scientific benefits of mindfulness, meditation practices, and strategies for finding fulfillment in professional life. It includes advice on handling difficult people, leading with open-mindedness, maintaining self-care, thriving in adversity, and cultivating positivity. This guide aims to help readers navigate modern life’s chaos and emerge stronger and more balanced.

Author Thanh Nguyen has crafted a refreshing and enlightening read with an approach to mindfulness and meditation that is both practical and accessible, making it easy to see how seemingly time-consuming practices can fit into a busy professional’s lifestyle. Nguyen’s emphasis on self-love and self-care as foundations for well-being stands out as a core message from cover to cover, and this revelation was a powerful reminder of the importance of nurturing oneself to thrive both personally and professionally. The perspective values mindfulness over mere productivity, and this is conveyed in a warm and optimistic narrative style that makes you feel as though you’re being advised by a wise friend. In practical terms, the techniques for cultivating focus and emotional resilience were particularly helpful, providing concrete steps to maintain balance amidst daily stressors, and I also thought the strategies for handling difficult people and navigating conflict with grace were refreshingly honest and suitably tactful for challenging situations. The guidance on maintaining perspective and focusing on the bigger picture offers grounding and clarity, and the work is well-organized to be able to find key moments again when times get tough. Overall, Calm in Chaos left me feeling empowered and equipped with practical tools to reclaim control over my life and I would certainly recommend to anyone seeking new ways to find balance in a busy world.