Celiac Mom

One family's gluten-free journey after a daughter's diagnosis

Non-Fiction - Health - Medical
246 Pages
Reviewed on 08/08/2024
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Author Biography

Formerly a magazine and newspaper editor/journalist, Ann Campanella takes on gluten-free living after her daughter is diagnosed with celiac disease. This memoir tells the story of her family’s ups and downs as they transition to a gluten-free lifestyle, and the book has become a "go-to" resource for those with celiac.

Ann's first memoir, Motherhood: Lost and Found, which tells the story of her mother's descent into Alzheimer's at the same time Ann was trying to become a mother, was named “One of the best Alzheimer’s books of all time,” by Book Authority two years in a row.

Ann's writing has appeared in newspapers, magazines, literary journals and online sites across the country and around the world and she has appeared on numerous podcasts. She believes that words can save lives.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

Celiac Mom is a must-read memoir. In it, Ann Campanella talks about her little daughter, Sydney, who suffered health issues such as frequent stomachaches after eating, bloating, constipation, trouble sleeping, and delayed growth. Ann tried to understand what was wrong with her daughter's health, but no one gave her an answer. When Sydney was five years old, she finally received a celiac diagnosis, and everything changed for her and her family. Ann, a noncook, and her husband, who loved eating food containing gluten or dairy, suddenly had to accept a major lifestyle change to keep their daughter safe. Ann writes about how they removed themselves or readjusted to all social activities involving gluten-related food. Ann rethought everything, built new, healthy habits, and learned to cook gluten-free meals.
Celiac Mom by Ann Campanella is an excellent, hopeful, and helpful book about a mother's determination to nourish her daughter and keep her healthy. While the transition to a gluten-free lifestyle can be difficult for people with celiac disease because there are many hidden sources of gluten, this book proves that everyone can benefit from eliminating or reducing gluten, dairy, or both. It shows the challenges one may face while shifting to a gluten-free lifestyle and the importance of strict adherence. Celiac Mom is for those diagnosed with celiac disease, as well as those who wish to switch to a dairy- or gluten-free diet to improve their health. Ann offers helpful resources, gluten-free recipes that are easy to make, even for noncooks, information on symptoms of celiac, tips on avoiding gluten or transitioning to a gluten-free life, and more.