Changing Hands

Fiction - Mystery - Historical
165 Pages
Reviewed on 10/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Changing Hands by Nanette L. Avery is a multiple-narrative story that revolves around a single opal ring, and those who have possessed it. Or, more accurately, the reverse. From Tally and Hogan's fatal confrontation to the brazen heist orchestrated by hut-dwelling Tina and Sanjak, each character's experience contributes to the overarching tale of the ring. A ship full of frozen passengers, a Countess, a mother who gives it up immediately, and a guard who we believe protects the opal ring exhibit with steadfast devotion, are all part of its journey. We even meet a man who decides to donate the opal ring in a brief moment of sacrifice and resilience in the jewel's long lineage. Through a forward-moving plotline that ultimately comes full circle, the story explores the transformative power of a single object across time and circumstance.

Changing Hands by Nanette L. Avery is a wonderful book that packs a huge punch despite its small size. I loved watching the ring's history unfold through the series of people who held it, even for a short time, and each of their well-written stories. For me, the star of this book was the character of Chelese, who came by the ring full of love but, like most others, was left empty in the end. I was torn between her and Murray the cat but decided the feline probably had more lives. Avery's writing is notable for its thoughtfully constructed timeline and her ability to take blips of time and make them feel developed and full. Overall, this is a nicely paced and entertainingly immersive grouping of tales. It can be enjoyed whether you're relaxing off the coast of Ecuador or sitting under an umbrella while your husband is abducted; this is the book you'll want to be reading.

Pikasho Deka

Changing Hands is a historical mystery by Nanette L. Avery. In 1769, Mr. and Mrs. Newcomb were traveling across the countryside when they came across four gypsy girls, from whom Mr. Newcomb bought a silver box full of gems. Among those gems, a beautiful opal ring was passed on to Newcomb's youngest son, James, whose dream to follow the transit of Venus in the Arctic Ocean ends in tragedy. Over the following centuries, the opal ring passed through the hands of many owners, notable among them the Spanish Royal family, each of whom died mysteriously soon after possessing the ring for a short time. The ring finds its way back to a museum in the twentieth century. However, someone wants to liberate the Royal Jewels of Spain and take the ring to Barcelona.

Referencing actual events and historical personalities, Nanette L. Avery tells an enthralling tale that takes you on an epic journey traversing different lands and historical eras. Changing Hands features a large cast of characters from various walks of life over different periods. Avery masterfully weaves compelling storylines of every single character, giving them unique and memorable personalities that make an impression on the reader. This is an adventure through time where the reader is the adventurer. We follow the trail of a cursed ring, witnessing how it impacts the lives of the people it comes into contact with. I was also pleasantly surprised by the author's brilliant use of humor that is sprinkled throughout the pages. The book isn't very long but is engaging all the way through. All in all, I really enjoyed it and will heartily recommend it to readers of historical fiction.

Jennie More

Changing Hands by Nanette L Avery explores the long and eventful journey of a beautiful blue opal ring. Those in search of the ring took substantial measures like resorting to murder and robbery to obtain it. It passed through many hands. It belonged to the rich, the poor, and the middle class at some point in history. Many were mesmerized by its beauty. It initially belonged to Spanish royalty, who called it a curse due to the sudden and unexplainable deaths of people soon after they took ownership of it. Some viewed it as a lucky charm. The opal ring, a physical object, transforms into a living, breathing thing due to the value assigned to it by countless curious owners over the years.

Changing Hands by Nanette L Avery is humorous, adventurous, and fascinating. Though the book appears to comprise multiple short stories, it is one story about the long life of the opal ring and how it traveled across borders and time. Avery created compelling characters with whom I could immediately connect, even though some only appeared briefly. The story is deeply thoughtful, analyzing the role of earthly possessions in our lives and how their value increases or decreases based on the value we assign to the giver of the gift and our experiences with them. It's about how we appraise inanimate objects, not merely based on their beauty but on how precious it was to their keepers. Ultimately, it's the history that matters. Changing Hands is beautifully written, unusual, and undoubtedly captivating.