Chosen Mistress

Narrated by Marnye Young

Fiction - Audiobook
Audio Book
Reviewed on 07/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Sefina Hawke for Readers' Favorite

Chosen Mistress by Elizabeth Conte is a historical fiction tale that would appeal most to a mixed audience of young adults and adults who enjoy historical romance and do not mind some adult scenes that are not overtly graphic. Charlotte Ashford considered her cousin Lydia to be her sister in all but name and, as young girls in Victorian England, the two dreamed that they would live together. Yet, reality caused the two to take diverging paths. Charlotte’s path took her to America while Lydia’s led her to marry Nathaniel Hammond in England. The two are brought back together when Lydia invites Charlotte to live with her. Things quickly spiral as Charlotte finds herself contemplating if she should accept Lydia’s request that she become Nathaniel’s mistress.

Chosen Mistress by Elizabeth Conte was a well-written and well-narrated audiobook filled with twists and turns. I found myself liking the way the story kept the focus on the two women even as Charlotte’s role with Lydia’s husband changed. The romance was quite different from the typical love at first sight that many books offer especially with how the relationship between the two women changes throughout their girlhood to adulthood. I greatly enjoyed this compelling storyline filled with twists and turns.

The narrator of this audiobook is Marnye Young. Ms. Young is an experienced voice actor with many performance credits, including The Moonstone Brooch, Wolf Touched, and Bratva Sweetheart. Her acting expertise shone through in this book with how I could practically feel the emotions of the characters through her narration. I loved how I was able to really “hear” the different character voices. Ms. Young did a breathtaking job with the narration and it was her performance that brought the story to life for me.