Cramping Chronicles: The Third Ache

(Cramping Chronicles #3)

Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban
428 Pages
Reviewed on 09/16/2024
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Author Biography

Joey is 42, disabled, a multi-award-winning indie author and a graduate with a BA (Hons) in Health & Social Care. She loves to write and is at the moment working on her next two books, as well as preparing her next two books for publication. She started writing when she was medically retired from her job at the age of 19. Her first book was released in 2005 and after a brief time away, her second one was released in 2011. In addition to writing books, she also enjoys reading them and can often be found resting in bed with a good book, with a cat or two on her lap.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Cramping Chronicles: The Third Ache by Joey Paul is a young adult urban fantasy novel and the third installment in the Cramping Chronicles series. The story follows Jessie, a young empath struggling to control her abilities while dealing with school pressures, a bully, and new threats to her social life emerging at every turn. Jessie seeks a teacher to help her harness her power, but complications arise when she's forced to help someone she dislikes. Amidst emotional turmoil and danger, Jessie and her friends must race against time to save the day. Joey Paul excels at blending relatable teenage struggles with supernatural elements to create a unique kind of magical realism where Jessie’s ability becomes commonplace, and the people and events around her can take center stage as she grows and learns on her personal journey.

The emotional depth of the characters is engaging and heartfelt, with close narration that makes it easy to imagine their facial expressions and body language as Jessie interprets and senses their issues and needs. The pacing is well-balanced between revelations, secrets, and action scenes, keeping readers hooked with tense, emotive moments where they piece the puzzle together before the next twist happens. The clarity of the writing is brilliant for readers of the older middle grade and all through the young adult age range to follow the story with ease. The core messages about learning to deal with early life pressures and changing social dynamics are naturally woven in and never overdone. Overall, Cramping Chronicles: The Third Ache by Joey Paul is a brilliant work of realistic urban fantasy that I would not hesitate to recommend to fans of the series so far.