Digger the Colony Worker Ant

Children - Mythology/Fairy Tale
40 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rich Follett for Readers' Favorite

In this whimsical fairy tale set in an ant colony, Digger the Colony Worker Ant by Christian Kueng, Cinderella becomes a Cinderfella named Digger, who longs to go to the royal ball where the lovely Princess Antilles will choose her ideal husband. His evil step-antmother Shantelle and her two lazy and spoiled ant sons Dante and Grant have ambitions of their own and do all they can to prevent Digger from living his dream. The story which follows is so familiar that it is practically a part of our collective DNA: Digger’s Lady God Bug steps in and makes some magic; Digger goes to the ball; midnight chimes; the magic wears off; a shoe is left behind; a big search; a happy ending. Through Christian Kueng’s wondrous imagination, however, the story is as fresh and new as if it had never been told before.

Digger the Colony Worker Ant by Christian Kueng is an enchanting, imaginative take on the age-old Cinderella story that will captivate children and adults alike. Nana Melkadze’s digital illustrations are every bit as fresh and beguiling as Christian Kueng’s interpretation of this familiar tale. With bright colors and clean lines, she brings the characters to life vividly, complete with a full range of emotions expressed on their cartoon faces. Hint to young readers – be sure to read all the way to the end, or you will miss a significant detail concerning Digger’s status! Christian Kueng’s Digger the Colony Worker Ant is as innovative and unique a retelling of this time-honored fairy tale as one is likely to find in all of children’s literature.