Divorce Is Not A Destination: A.A.C.T. In Joy!

A Path to Overcoming Heartache, Rebuilding Confidence, and Living With Joy After Breakup

Non-Fiction - Womens
204 Pages
Reviewed on 09/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Lisa Summerour has lived a complex life of successes and hardships like many people. Professionally, she had no limits but felt people questioned her divorces. In her book, Divorce Is Not A Destination: A.A.C.T. In Joy!, Summerour shares her stories to pass wisdom on to you. On rebuilding confidence, Summerour created four foundational elements: accountability, alignment, communication, and trust (A.A.C.T). The author applies the stages of grief to divorce but adds a step to assist readers, including links to helpful exercises and reflection activities. Some topics include how to trust again, a list of items you need to gather as you separate, purging items that bring up negative memories, good ideas for positively and gently including children in life changes, and how divorce may apply to your work life.

With engaging questions and a growth mindset, Lisa Summerour helps empower women and lift their spirits. She lists useful, alternative healing practices that will assist you as you find balance. Summerour encourages self-care and gives you advice that may be applied to the dissolution of any relationship. The author's insight assists you to effectively communicate with your estranged partner and listen to your intuition, and you'll be motivated to take action by using the suggestions in the book. With the help of her positive thinking, you will envision the life you want until it becomes a reality. Divorce Is Not A Destination: A.A.C.T. In Joy! will help you turn your pain into something productive. Summerour shares many inspiring stories and extends an invitation for you to be a success story, too!