Five Ordinary Teens and the Monarchs of the Ten Dimensions

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
447 Pages
Reviewed on 07/06/2024
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Author Biography

Andrew Dewey has always loved disappearing into fantastical universes, a passion that began in childhood and has only grown stronger with time. Drawing inspiration from a lifelong love of fantasy and adventure, Dewey's debut novel, Five Ordinary Teens and the Monarchs of the Ten Dimensions, transports readers to new realms filled with intrigue, danger, and wonder.

Dewey's writing radiates a deep passion for magic realism, adventure, and intrigue, creating thrilling tales of friendship, courage, and the power of unity.

Outside of writing, Dewey enjoys life just outside Toronto, Ontario, with his amazing wife, spirited 2-year-old son, and newborn daughter. Balancing the wonders of family life with the enchantment of storytelling, Dewey believes in the magic of words and their ability to inspire and connect people. When not writing, you can find Dewey exploring new worlds through reading, hiking through nature, or brainstorming the next exciting adventure.

Currently, Dewey is hard at work on the second book in the series, Five Divided Teens and the Dawn of the Muddied Veil, promising even more excitement and discovery in this captivating world.

Join Andrew on this extraordinary journey, where every page promises a new discovery and every character has a unique story to tell. As Bill Watterson beautifully said, “It’s a magical world. Let’s go exploring.”

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Five Ordinary Teens and the Monarchs of the Ten Dimensions is penned by author Andrew Dewey in the fantasy, action, and adventure genres for middle-grade and young-adult audiences. The plot follows Matt, Adam, Liz, Jess, and Carl, who lead typical lives until they encounter Quintal, an enigmatic being from another dimension, bestowing upon them extraordinary powers. Thrilled by their newfound abilities, the group bonds through training while facing challenges from otherworldly creatures. However, as they delve deeper into their roles as protectors, they confront dangerous decisions and sinister adversaries, all while balancing their ordinary lives. As tensions escalate and plots unravel, the teens must unite to secure their place in the complex web of the ten dimensions.

Author Andrew Dewey crafts a thrilling novel for young readers, immersing me in a world where the ordinary seamlessly gives way to an extraordinary world of wonders. The central gang’s journey from mundane teenagers to guardians of the ten dimensions was captivating, filled with moments of camaraderie, suspenseful confrontations, and surprising twists. This is especially well characterized by each character’s dialogue being so unique to them, which creates interesting, amusing, and heartfelt interactions between them all. It’s easy to see how their bonds grow and develop and this emotional throughline of camaraderie gets readers just as invested in the group as they are in each other. I also felt truly transported by the atmospheric descriptions, which bring the locations to life with a vivid, cinematic feel. The seamless blend of everyday teenage life with the fantastical realm of other dimensions gives it a grounding in reality that sells the emotional lessons of the plot, making it both relatable and enchanting. Overall, Five Ordinary Teens and the Monarchs of the Ten Dimensions is an exhilarating read that left me eagerly anticipating the next installment in the series, and I’d certainly recommend it for young fantasy fans everywhere.

Doreen Chombu

Five Ordinary Teens and the Monarchs of the Ten Dimensions by Andrew Dewey follows the adventures of Matt, Adam, Liz, Jess, and Carl as they discover their unique powers and navigate the challenges of different dimensions. This group of unlikely friends unwittingly gains superpowers after encountering Quintal, the Prince of the Dark Dimension. After accepting his offer, they are warned of an upcoming war and instructed to keep their powers a secret. Soon, creatures from various dimensions appear in their realm, turning their ordinary lives upside down and forcing them to confront a new reality. As they struggle with their newfound abilities, their secrets and alliances are tested, leaving them uncertain about their decision to accept Quintal's offer.

Five Ordinary Teens and the Monarchs of the Ten Dimensions is a captivating story that delves into themes of friendship, personal growth, and loyalty. It is fast-paced, with an imaginative narrative that creates an entertaining and engaging tale of adventure and self-discovery. Readers will get to know Matt, Adam, Liz, Jess, and Carl as they face dangerous confrontations and complex decisions. Each character has a distinct personality and individual perspective of the world, and it was interesting to see them learn to balance their normal lives with their newfound responsibilities. The descriptions of their school, home, and family dynamics give the story a sense of realism that will resonate with young readers on a deeper level. Andrew Dewey is a talented writer who has crafted unique dimensions and creatures inspired by natural elements, resulting in worlds brimming with endless possibilities and unexpected adventures. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to delving further into these characters. This is a must-read for anyone who enjoys fantasy novels.

Luwi Nyakansaila

Five Ordinary Teens and the Monarchs of the Ten Dimensions by Andrew Dewey is a thrilling story about a group of students, Matt, Adam, Liz, Jess, and Carl, who attend the same school. After encountering Quintal, the Prince of the Dark Dimension, they are given elemental powers of darkness, light, earth, wind, and water. The group of teenagers quickly become close friends but are unprepared for the challenges and uncertainties that come with their new responsibilities. They must balance their everyday lives with their secret abilities while navigating the complexities of their new existence. The group faces formidable adversaries, moral dilemmas, personal growth, and epic battles that test their strength and unity.

Five Ordinary Teens and the Monarchs of the Ten Dimensions is an engaging story that beautifully captures the themes of friendship, loyalty, and personal growth. The book delves into the complexities of teenage life and blends adventure, intrigue, and relatable characters that will captivate readers of all ages. Andrew Dewey has expertly woven together intense dynamics between ordinary teens and powerful monarchs, touching on topics such as bravery, teamwork, and staying true to oneself. The story takes you on a thrilling adventure through different dimensions with its fast-paced narrative. It also explores the challenges young people face as they navigate adolescence, such as crushes, self-esteem, prejudices, and family issues. I loved everything about this story and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a mix of suspense, fantasy, and relatable characters. This is only the start of the characters' story, as they have many more adventures to come.

Parul Sood

Five Ordinary Teens and the Monarchs of the Ten Dimensions by author Andrew Dewey starts with a group of seemingly typical teenagers whose lives take a fantastical turn. Matt, Adam, Liz, Jess, and Carl, the heroes, are archetypal school kids with distinct personalities, each bringing their own traits to the dynamic of the group and the narrative alike. Matt and Adam, best friends with contrasting personalities, form the core, while Liz, Jess, and Carl add depth and diversity to the ensemble. Quintal gives our heroes special powers from different dimensions to protect them from the dark king who seeks to claim them for himself. As the newly turned super teenagers grapple with their newfound abilities, they must navigate the complexities of friendship, identity, and loyalty while facing the lurking danger of facing the dark king, Malgthor.

In Five Ordinary Teens and the Monarchs of the Ten Dimensions, Andrew Dewey proficiently blends elements of science fiction and fantasy, creating a world that is imaginative, compelling, and binge-worthy. The author maintains a balanced narrative, seamlessly blending school life and the gang's fantasy adventure. With fast-paced storytelling, which is perfect for its target audience, Dewey keeps readers engaged from start to finish. The descriptions of the dimensions are vivid and captivating, adding depth to the world-building. Overall, Five Ordinary Teens and the Monarchs of the Ten Dimensions is a thrilling read that will appeal to young adults and diverse audiences alike, offering a captivating blend of adventure, intrigue, and relatable themes. I recommend the first installment of The Tenth Dimension series to those seeking an immersive and entertaining read.

Essien Asian

Instead of attending school, Matt preferred to be anywhere else. He had no interest in reading and grades, but Matt was willing to stick around if it meant he could spend more time with the girl of his dreams, Liz. That changed the day he and four other classmates ventured into the surrounding woods, drawn by odd creatures that seemed to be calling to them. They met an enigmatic person who presented them with an offer that seemed too good to pass up. They did not realize that accepting the unique gifts from this stranger would make them the focus of a brutal interdimensional battle for supremacy in Andrew Dewey's Five Ordinary Teens And The Monarchs Of The Ten Dimensions.

The theme of Andrew Dewey's young adult fantasy adventure emphasizes the value of cooperation and fair play. Five Ordinary Teens and the Monarchs Of The Ten Dimensions is the first installment in a captivating adventure series. Dewey does an excellent job of world-building, giving his characters just the right amount of realism to spark readers' interest. He combines compelling politics with intense action to draw the reader into the story and appeal to a broader audience using the characters' intriguing conversations. Dewey's attention to detail is astounding as he skillfully captures the variations in different battle scenes while keeping up the quick pace of a complex, ever-evolving journey. Thanks to his unique storytelling technique, readers are left to determine the antagonists in this gripping adventure, which sustains an air of mystery around every character's motives. Fantasy and suspense fans will enjoy the end-to-end action in this impressive novel from a gifted author.