Forensics II

The Science Behind the Deaths of Famous and Infamous People

Non-Fiction - True Crime
774 Pages
Reviewed on 08/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

For readers fascinated by the intersection of history, science, and the macabre, Forensics II is a must-read. Harry A. Milman, PhD, expertly delves into the deaths of thirty-six notable individuals, providing a forensic analysis that not only reads like a compelling mystery novel but also serves as a historical autopsy of sorts. The book's structure allows exploration into a wide range of cases, from the mysterious death of George Washington to the more modern and controversial demise of Jeffrey Epstein. I couldn’t wait to dive into Forensics II, and I wasn’t disappointed. Each chapter is meticulously researched, with Milman drawing from autopsy reports, toxicology results, and scientific literature.

Harry A. Milman gives a front-row seat to the methods and challenges forensic scientists face in determining the cause of death, even when the evidence is centuries old. The Washington study is impressive, and Milman doesn't shy away from disagreements among medical professionals about the cause of Washington’s death. This kind of detail adds a layer of authenticity to the narrative, highlighting the often-murky waters forensic experts must navigate. The book seems hefty, but more than 200 contain notes and citations. Whether you're interested in Bruce Lee's enigmatic death or Kurt Cobain's tragic end, Milman provides a thorough and thought-provoking examination that will leave you questioning what you thought you knew about these famous figures. Forensics II is a well-researched, engaging, and accessible exploration of the science behind some of history's most intriguing deaths. This is a book that will keep you completely engrossed until the end.