
A Sciene Fiction Political Mystery Thriller

Fiction - Science Fiction
457 Pages
Reviewed on 04/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Generations is a work of fiction in the science fiction, thriller, and political intrigue genres. Penned by author Noam Josephides, this debut novel plunges readers into a heart-pounding tale aboard the generation ship Thetis. The ship has been traveling peacefully toward a new planet for many years, but when an extortion attempt targets the ship's leader, Sandrine Liet, a web of intrigue and deception is suddenly uncovered. As she delves deeper into the mystery, suspicions of a grand conspiracy grow, testing her values and putting her future at stake. To unearth the truth, Sandrine confronts her past, forms unlikely alliances, and embarks on a journey to the ship's origin, challenging the powerful forces aboard.

Author Noam Josephides' novel grips you from the outset and it feels like you’re embarking on an exhilarating odyssey through the depths of space and into the harsh truth about human nature. The narrative unfolds seamlessly, blending elements of science fiction with political mystery and thriller at a great pace, and there is always something brewing or new to uncover. The author’s talent for description and atmospheric detail creates a multifaceted world aboard the ship, with characters that are fully rooted in the reality of the setting, and whose attitudes are clearly shaped by it. Sandrine Liet is, of course, a standout lead character, whose resilience and determination resonate deeply the more you get to know her and get invested in her cause. As I navigated the corridors of the Thetis alongside Sandrine, the close narration style immersed me in a world teeming with intrigue, where every revelation brought new layers to the meticulously constructed narrative. Overall, Generations is a highly recommended read for science fiction fans everywhere, delivering a profound exploration of human values, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of truth against all odds.

Sabitha Parshant

Like many cultural works dealing with political-conspiracy, Josephides is clearly interested in a much wider array of questions beyond the “whodunnit” plot: the examination of moral values, societal structures and personal ambition as foundational aspects of our species nature, and the if and how we can transcend them if we want to survive long-term.

The novel’s true brilliance shines in the evident thinking that went into the worldbuilding of a society where Earth is but a distant memory. There’s is a lot to digest throughout the 450-odd page novel – from the evolution of language and idioms in a world where some basic realities had no longer been present for 180 years (think: how many of our daily phrases and metaphors refer to animals or natural phenomena – both devoid for almost two centuries on the Thetis?), to the adaptation of social values, economic incentives and family structures in a world trying to ensure survival in a flying can across the galaxy.


An easy 5-star, loved this book and impressed by that breadth of storytelling achieved in it!