He Chose Me

Reflections On Living A Christian Life

Christian - Living
71 Pages
Reviewed on 09/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Sarah Miller for Readers' Favorite

He Chose Me: Reflections On Living A Christian Life by Diamante Lavendar features artwork and inspiration from her faith journey with Christ. Lavendar communicates her beliefs through poems, prayers, and wisdom she has learned and experienced as a Christian woman and the hope that others who follow Christ can have the same experience. Using Biblical passages to support her writing and ideas, she effectively ties in visual pictures and ideas on how to live life in the face of joy and pain with the help of God and His plan for all. The book reads closely as a devotional with life lessons and thoughts Lavendar has worked out through her faith. She shares them with readers to inspire hope and show the true love of Christ.

Diamante Lavendar writes in sections with self-empowering messages gained through a relationship with Christ, sprinkling in poetry on similar topics. The use of headings in each section to organize her thoughts is presented in a nice flow with sufficient explanation for each topic before moving to the next. Lavendar displays her deep relationship with Christ and her desire to share the knowledge and wisdom she has learned through the sanctification journey of her faith with others through her book. I was inspired and given hope through this book and enjoyed the visual aspects of the art Lavendar included. I especially enjoyed the poetry and the overall topic of faith throughout the narrative. The content of He Chose Me: Reflections On Living A Christian Life is inspiring and uplifting.