I Love How

Children - Educational
29 Pages
Reviewed on 04/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Raines for Readers' Favorite

In I Love How by Dr. Isaiah Varisano, praising children is an important part of every stage in their development. Giving encouragement, even for small accomplishments, and letting kids know that the effort they’ve put into reaching their goals is something to be proud of, teaches them to try again when they don’t succeed at first. Using the word 'yet' when kids fail the first time helps them to rethink what went wrong and improve to get it right with practice. Reminding children that you love how they attempt to learn something new or how they practice well can give them a boost in confidence, too.

I Love How is a brilliant picture book that encourages kids to have a better mindset and not to give up. I enjoyed the way the author also teaches parents and guardians of children to let kids know what they love about each goal or milestone they’ve achieved. I loved how each page has a picture that shows what the child is doing and the praise that the parent or guardian is giving them for the attempt. The colorful illustrations on each page pair well with the story. I recommend I Love How to children and parents who enjoy a well-designed book that teaches development skills and good habits to last a lifetime. I really enjoyed everything about this book and hope that Dr. Isaiah Varisano writes more stories that will inspire children and their guardians through the various stages of their lives.


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