It's Cool To Be Kind

A Children's Book on Kindness and Friendship

Children - Grade K-3rd
35 Pages
Reviewed on 06/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Kindness is at the very bedrock of civilization, and Shermaine Perry-Knights shares with children what it means to be kind in It’s Cool to Be Kind. Three young boys—Max, Michael, and Martin—are given a school assignment to write about something they are good at. While contemplating what to write, they learn how simple yet important kindness is. Kindness does not have to be some great feat or invention, but it can be seen in just reaching out to help others. Helping someone carry groceries, teaching a younger child how to tie their shoes, or befriending a new kid are all acts of kindness. At the end of the book are some activities that will help teach young readers how to be kind. This wonderful book teaches children about kindness and friendship in an entertaining manner.

Shermaine Perry-Knights shares how important and easy it is to be kind in It’s Cool to Be Kind. Kindness is basic, yet often lacking, as evidenced by the abundance of bullies in today’s society. This nicely illustrated book will appeal to elementary-aged children and help them decide to be kind to others even if they are different. Kindness looks beyond the barriers of race, religion, nationality, and other factors to see into the heart of an individual’s soul. At this deeper level, kindness affects the quality of society and makes life worth living. I highly recommend this book to emphasize to your children the need to be kind to others. Spend time helping your children learn different ways to show kindness and include others, even those who are differently abled. A little kindness goes a long way in solving society’s ills.