Lake of Clouds

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
326 Pages
Reviewed on 09/08/2024
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Author Biography

I have spent my life making up stories, drawing comics, and thinking about improving the stories I saw on TV or in movies.
I finally ventured into writing the first of the many stories I have occupying space in his head.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Lake of Clouds by A.B. Ruiz is a young adult fantasy novel centered on Galia, a determined orphan who dreams of reaching the fabled City above the Lake of Clouds. Despite being dismissed by adults and tormented by a local bully, Galia believes she has found proof of the City’s existence. As she uncovers hidden truths, Galia must decide whom to trust while navigating betrayals and secrets. With an unexpected ally by her side, she embarks on a perilous journey to discover the mysteries of the City above the Lake of Clouds. Ruiz has crafted a richly imaginative fantasy world that captivates readers with its mysterious allure and vivid descriptions, and the target young adult audience will certainly find themselves totally immersed and hanging on every word as Galia discovers the secrets of an exotic lost city.

The portrayal of Galia as a determined and resilient protagonist is inspiring and relatable as she beats the odds and the bullies to stay true to her quest, and the narration and dialogue bring her to life with wit, charm, and loads of empathy. I loved her bright and inquisitive nature. As the exciting events of the plot put her to the test, you see her getting more and more resourceful and growing from the lessons that life teaches her. A.B. Ruiz subtly works the themes of trust, betrayal, and discovery into the narrative, slowly building on these ideas to get YA readers deeply emotionally invested as the bigger picture of the plot emerges. Overall, for a great blend of adventure and mystery with a hero you’re sure to fall in love with, look no further than Lake of Clouds for your next immersive YA fantasy read.