Lethal Impulse

Fiction - Suspense
267 Pages
Reviewed on 09/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

Lethal Impulse by Steve Rush is a gripping read for fans of suspense, thriller, crime drama, mystery, and detective fiction. Neil Caldera has been an NYPD detective for thirteen years. He unwillingly causes the death of a crime family member while pursuing a serial killer. His career in New York over, Neil moves to Madison, Georgia, and becomes a minister in a local church. But when the terrifying murder of a young woman shakes this cozy little town, Chief of Police Rob Fleishman asks Neil to help investigate it. Fleishman's wife, Tess, suspects that her husband is having an affair. She tries to attract Neil's attention, but are her schemes as innocent as she makes them look? Someone leaves Neil's portrait painted with blood at the crime scene. With his reputation at stake, Neil and Sergeant Sloane Azevedo race against the clock to capture their cunning adversary.

Steve Rush's Lethal Impulse shows the criminal investigation in an unexpected light and explores the theme of obsession. The different perspectives of the narrative are key, as the duel of wills is the driving force behind it. We can compare the darkest depths of the criminal mind to Neil Caldera's razor-sharp intellect. Neil's intriguing personality adds another layer to this engaging story. Rush crafts a stirring relationship between Neil and his love interest, Sloane Azevedo. Sharnee is Neil's niece and a vivid secondary character. She demonstrates the proper course of action in a dire situation, proving that this novel is not only an entertaining read. The author plays with several subplots, creating a mystifying and even eerie tapestry of narration. The imagery is unsettling and requires a mature audience. Psychological thriller lovers like myself will appreciate Rush's deep knowledge of the investigative process and his understanding of humans, even the corrupt ones.