Lies of the Haven

Faerie Warriors Book 1

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 02/15/2023
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Author Biography

J.A. Curtis is an avid reader who has read in many genres. When she is not researching the most recent trends in publishing for a local publisher, she works on writing and marketing her own books and gives feedback to fellow writers. Her book, Lies of the Haven, won the Indie Author Project 2022 Best YA Fiction in Nevada.

When she is not writing, she is reading, spending time with her husband and two amazing daughters and trying to live her life with half as much guts as Mina.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Cecelia Hopkins for Readers' Favorite

Lies of the Haven by JA Curtis creates sympathy for Mina as she resents her beloved Nana being placed in a nursing home. Intent on revenge, she throws a party at Nana’s house before it is due to be sold. The party is gatecrashed by a boy with a dragon tattoo and a strange girl dressed in leather. After Nana’s house gets burned down during a duel, Arius and Thaya insist Mina return with them to Haven. They also tell her she is the reincarnation of either their missing Queen or General. Something about the situation does not ring true. Can Mina uncover the truth and persuade the Faeries to cease warring amongst themselves?

Lies of the Haven by JA Curtis places an original spin on traditional faerie fantasy by incorporating opposing groups within a family network. I found it easy to identify with Mina because she loves her Nana and finds it difficult to accept the reality of encroaching senility. The exploration of the themes of identity and self-discovery is enjoyable and I especially liked the cheeky character of Dramian and how Mina refuses to condemn him as a dark faerie. I loved the mystery surrounding the origin of the internal war and the way it was resolved. The action and battle scenes are exciting and balanced the skills training and personal development of the characters. There is a hint of romance but Mina’s options are left open in an intriguing fashion. The ending left me feeling connected with the main characters and keen to follow them through the series. Overall, Lies of the Haven by JA Curtis is packed with tons of young adult appeal.