Mira & the Magic Pond

Young Adult - Mythology/Fairy Tale
160 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

Mira and the Magic Pond by Zahra Omar Shansab is a young adult fantasy set in the vibrant yet challenging environment of the Indian slums. The story centers on twelve-year-old Mira, who sells samosas to support her family. Her life takes a magical turn when she discovers a mystical pond that imbues her with a profound mission: to combat climate change and save the natural world. This transition from her ordinary existence to a role of extraordinary significance is beautifully woven with rich cultural and mythological elements, immersing readers in Mira's world. The narrative masterfully depicts the harsh realities of Mira's daily life, while simultaneously introducing the enchanting lore and ancient traditions that guide her journey. Through her adventure, Mira encounters various mythical beings and gains insights that not only help in her quest but also reveal the deeper connections between humanity and nature.

Mira and the Magic Pond will captivate readers with its compelling characters and plot development. Mira's resilience, kindness, and determination make her an inspiring protagonist, while her relationship with her family adds emotional depth to the story. Zahra Omar Shansab's writing vividly portrays the sensory experiences of the streets, drawing readers into the urban setting with lush descriptions and authentic dialogue. The narrative's seamless blend of real and mythical elements, along with themes of poverty, education, and environmental responsibility, makes it both a heartfelt coming-of-age story and a call to action. The ability to create a believable, relatable heroine in Mira, who faces her challenges with courage and optimism, is one of the book's greatest strengths. Additionally, the pacing ensures that readers remain engaged as Mira's journey unfolds with unexpected twists and poignant moments. Mira and the Magic Pond is a must-read for those who enjoy stories of courage, hope, and the magic of nature, offering a unique perspective on the urgent issue of climate change through the eyes of a young girl determined to make a difference.