Miso and Kili's Flying Adventures

New Island Friends (1) (Miso and Kili Flying Adventures)

Children - Animals
36 Pages
Reviewed on 06/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Miso and Kili's Flying Adventures: New Island Friends is a children’s picture book written by J.M. Chrismer with illustrations by Ilya Fortuna. The story follows Miso the ragdoll and his friend Kili as they embark on a thrilling journey across the ocean. They explore the wonders of the sea and encounter unexpected surprises along the way. When bad weather forces them to make an emergency landing on a mysterious island, they meet a charming group of wild kitty cats led by a stunning green-striped tigress, who welcome them with open arms. During their stay on the island, Kili is initially skeptical while Miso is optimistic. However, their night turns out to be a truly special and unforgettable experience, filled with memories that stay with them for a long time.

Miso and Kili's Flying Adventures: New Island Friends is the first book in the Miso and Kili Flying Adventures series. It's an exciting start to the series, with a captivating storyline, lovable characters, and a perfect balance of thrills and discovery. The story takes readers on an exciting journey with Miso and Kili as they meet fun-loving friends and learn valuable lessons about friendship, optimism, and adapting to new situations. J.M. Chrismer's cheerful narration brings the adventure to life, making it an enjoyable read for children and parents alike. The illustrations are stunning, and the warm color palette creates a cozy and inviting atmosphere. The characters and their world feel vivid and real, making it easy to become fully immersed in the story. I enjoyed reading this book, and I look forward to reading more from the author and series. Overall, this is great work.