Odette's Alphabet

Children - Grade K-3rd
64 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

“I imagine a world where we can live and work in peace and love all the time,” Odette says. Odette is an ant. She’s just made friends with a lost mouse, Marcus. They both woke up feeling stressed, but Odette has a meditative plan that will help her deal with this stress. She shares it with Marcus. Together they march through the alphabet, one letter at a time, thinking of great words and emotions associated with each letter. It involves exercises, too, like deep breathing and stretching. There’s lots of laughter as the unlikely two, an ant and a mouse, so different, form a friendship through de-stressing. And that’s why Odette likes the letter ‘i’ which begins the word imagine. What would you imagine?

Sandrine Marlier’s picture book, Odette’s Alphabet, is a clever, unique way to strengthen young readers and their knowledge of the alphabet, all while giving them some de-stressing activities to make their day even better. Following the main character, an ant named Odette, the plot weaves through the alphabet and creates an interesting blend of alphabet-inspired words to make this into a story about friendship, personal journeys, and finding creative means to make one feel better about themselves. We all have days like Odette’s; days when we’re not sure why, but something feels off. Following Odette’s alphabetic mantra is one sure way to ease stress. Each letter develops the plot a little further and provides young readers with exercises to help them improve their sense of well-being. Absolutely brilliant and soothing, too. Love the illustrations.