Out of Time in the Desert

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
174 Pages
Reviewed on 07/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Out of Time in the Desert by J. Thomas Hennessey, Jr. revolves around Lieutenant Greg Evans, leading a platoon in Iraq. During a reconnaissance mission, a sandstorm disrupts them, but they find an operational train station. Meeting British soldiers, Evans updates his strategy and prepares defenses. Evans conducts a night reconnaissance, finding a large rebel camp. The next night, Sergeant Sanders attacks the camp, causing chaos. Evans then prepares for an imminent rebel assault. Combined American and British forces repel the disorganized attack effectively. Evans and his patrol secure food and water from the locals and prepare for departure with an arriving armored train. Opting to stay and fight, they plan a night attack on rebel camps, causing significant damage, and discover the sabotage of the train tracks.

The attention to detail in Out of Time in the Desert is extraordinary, and J. Thomas Hennessey, Jr. does well in creating an immersive setting through cinematic descriptions and realistic military procedures. Evans is depicted as the poster boy of an all-American soldier: tall, blond, charismatic, intelligent, and the leader pretty much everyone wants to follow...including readers. The technology employed in Hennessey's story is modern, given this is a contemporary war. However, the British dialogue, like the phrase “jolly good,” is more WWII than Gulf War. There's a twist to that though that made me smile. The writing itself is clean, effective, and runs at a clipping speed that complements the action, and the battle scenes are off-the-charts excellent. I'm shocked I couldn't smell the smoking reward of the grenade launcher off the page. Overall, this story ends on a note that is far more satisfying than I'd anticipated and leaves the door ajar for more stories, which I would happily read. Very highly recommended.