Pacific State


Fiction - Dystopia
337 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

Pacific State by Grant Price is a dystopian novel. Corporate drone Owen Resler’s job is to find sensitive details of data generated through the use of Scopo’s products. Owen had a rough time the past year and was willing to give up everything just to eat. Owen is hired by Mia Warsaw to kill one of the worst criminals in the city. Faye Mao’s daughter was killed, and she is willing to pay whatever is asked to kill the man responsible for her daughter’s death. Mia Warsaw is well known, and Faye wants her to find the killer. Mia is putting together a team to find the killer, and she needs someone to handle the binary code. Mia made Owen an offer, and there is no guarantee that he will survive if he accepts Mia’s offer.

Pacific State by Grant Price is fast-paced and action-packed. There was never a dull moment with all the twists and turns. The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, and I turned the pages as fast as I could. The characters were well-developed and authentic. Their background stories revealed their unique personalities. Mia is a strong and resilient woman. Her circumstances made her a tough person, but she still had a soft heart. Owen finds himself in a world where he is better off, but he is not at ease among his new so-called friends. The dynamic between Mia and Owen was interesting. The story is excellently written, and it exceeded my expectations by far. The ending is fitting after all the drama.