Pour Nimbus!

How the town of Paradiso lost and found its love for the rain

Children - Picture Book
35 Pages
Reviewed on 06/27/2024
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Author Biography

S. Blaise Juncaloe brings a sparkle to the world of children's picture books, blending her rich family heritage of storytelling with her tender experiences as a dental professional. Her journey from captivating her young patients with whimsical tales in the dentist's chair to becoming a beloved children's author is nothing short of magical. Her debut, "Pour Nimbus!", is a vibrant splash of her storytelling talent, filled with adventures that light up little faces while weaving in gentle lessons.

Blaise's tales are a cozy blend of simplicity and depth, crafted to delight kids and wink at adults with their subtle wisdom. Her stories, born from moments of comforting nervous visitors in her dental clinic, have blossomed into a collection that's both heartwarming and enlightening. With a knack for nurturing imagination and a belief in the magic of storytelling, Blaise's books are like warm hugs in story form, inviting young readers into worlds where every word is a seed of inspiration.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Pour Nimbus! is a children's picture book written by S. Blaise Juncaloe and illustrated by Harriet Rodis. It tells the story of Nimbus, a cloud that brought rain to the town of Paradiso. One day, residents of the town complain about the rain when Nimbus tries to play with them during a festival. This makes Nimbus sad, unappreciated, and unloved, leading him to retreat to the sea, leaving the town dry and dusty. The crops turn brown, the animals are thirsty, and the people begin to regret chasing Nimbus away. They start to plead for his return, but Nimbus is still mad. His weather friends, the wind, the sun, and swirly clouds, join in the plea, hoping to change Nimbus’ mind, but will he forgive the people of Paradiso and nourish their land again?

Pour Nimbus! is a heartwarming and educational tale with beautiful themes of forgiveness, empathy, and the interconnectedness of all living things. It has a metaphorical lesson about the rain cycle, highlighting the different purposes that the wind, sun, and clouds play in rain formation. It also teaches children to be grateful for the little things we take for granted. S. Blaise Juncaloe does a great job of presenting these lessons in a way that will resonate with young readers. Her use of a rhyming tone adds a rhythmic flow to the story and makes it engaging to read. The colorful illustrations bring the characters and scenery to life, drawing the young reader into the story and helping them relate to the characters. I enjoyed reading this book and highly recommend sharing it with your children.