Rain Logan

Fiction - Horror
544 Pages
Reviewed on 07/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alicia DeBerry for Readers' Favorite

Rain finds herself on the sidelines of the police investigation into the disappearance of her twin sister. To solve the mystery, she leaves everything she knows behind and flees to her grandmother's house located in Penorwood. While there, she learns about a secret family legend that has held her family captive for generations. Rain must sort out the past filled with mysterious and magical secrets as she tries to sort out the present. She is locked in a struggle where magic and demons come to life. It becomes difficult to decide what is real. Will Rain figure out how to help the people she loves and save everyone from the curse of the legacy in her family? Author Lacey Lee helps us find out in Rain Logan.

In Rain Logan, Lacey Lee motivates readers to understand mental illness and to learn more about your genealogy. This became a psychological and paranormal thriller as I questioned what reality was. The cover piqued my interest and stirred the beginnings of horror with the imagery of a dark and foggy forest at night. From the first page, I was riveted with suspense and fear for the Logan family and the fate of Dormira. Siferhell is a deliciously terrifying demon with his shadow minions, the Chardits. The plot has action-packed magical scenes showing elemental power. I was devastated by the ending. I highly recommend this epic horror story to fans who enjoy The Spiderwick Chronicles series, fantasy, and paranormal genres, and to teens and young adults.