Rekindling Connections

A Bittersweet Journey of Lust, Love and Choices

Fiction - Chick Lit
376 Pages
Reviewed on 06/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Priya Mathew for Readers' Favorite

Rekindling Connections by Nicky Abell-Francis is the journey through a brief period in the life of Zara, who seems to have her career and social life figured out but is still searching for the elusive ‘one’. As a sports physiotherapist in Brighton, Zara meets many attractive and fit men, but she can’t seem to move on from her ex, Tyler. On one of her travels to meet up with a friend, she meets Brett with whom she feels a real connection. However, Brett struggles to prioritize love over his wanderlust. Crossing the ocean to Los Angeles for her new job, Zara meets dependable and wealthy Bruce Loxley. Zara must now decide who holds the key to her heart.

In Rekindling Connections, Nicky Abell-Francis has created a fast-paced narrative based on the world of sports therapy. The author has woven in moments of humor, especially with Zara and her friends. While the story unfolds primarily from Zara’s perspective, it also shifts to other viewpoints, offering a better understanding of the characters. I loved that Zara was not depicted as a perfect individual and that she had her flaws. Her three love interests, Bruce, Tyler, and Brett, each depict different facets of Zara’s desires and challenges. Bruce’s reliability contrasts with Tyler’s self-confidence and Brett’s adventurous spirit. Zara’s internal conflicts and growth were narrated well and make her a relatable and engaging character. As Zara navigates the highs and lows of romance and ambition, she discovers that love, much like life itself, follows its own unpredictable game plan.