Secret Sky

The Young Universe

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
392 Pages
Reviewed on 10/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Liz Konkel for Readers' Favorite

Secret Sky by T. Alan Horne is an exciting adventure with surprises around every corner. It makes for an unforgettable read that all ages won’t be able to put down. This tale of epic adventure is about young Skylar who may be the answer to saving the world - even if he doesn’t know it yet. Until then the biggest event in his life was getting his first calf to care for but everything quickly changes when he’s forced to leave home and his only choice is to journey with the knights responsible for the loss of his home. He now lives under a king who has dangerous plans that could destroy everything Skylar cares about. Magic is only meant for dreams yet when it becomes real, Skylar quickly learns two things: he has the capability for great power and he must keep it hidden.

The intriguing opening sets the tone and the style with unique narration by the stars sharing the story. This is a fantastical and whimsical approach that quickly gives the world charm and wit as the stars are excellent narrators. The stars address readers directly which creates a sense of being told a story and, at times, a secret. Magic has a unique position in the story as Skylar was taught that it was dark and even the power of the dead. As Skylar taps into it, he finds the imagination and beauty that it can create, which is important in his overall journey. His emotional journey resonates as he struggles with a feeling of powerlessness that stems from feeling small, which only grows as he’s taken from everything he knows. At its core, this is a story about home as the further Skylar is from it, the more he longs for his family and the more the beginning becomes more poignant. Illustrations throughout show insights into early dynamics, characters, and settings which add vibrancy to the tone. Secret Sky by T. Alan Horne is an original fantasy adventure that is action-packed, creative, and with an assortment of cleverly written characters.