Slaying the Dragon

A South African Billionaire's Battle to Conquer Opioid Addiction

Non-Fiction - Self Help
264 Pages
Reviewed on 10/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Slaying the Dragon by Antonio Iozzo is an inspiring memoir about the author’s battle with opioid addiction. Antonio had built a successful business empire despite facing failures, betrayals, and setbacks. Alongside his wife Nicole, they had overcome many obstacles and created a seemingly perfect life. However, after an accident and major operation, Antonio's life took a drastic turn. Unfamiliar with aftercare medication, he was prescribed OxyNorm, a strong painkiller containing the opioid oxycodone, which led to an addiction that consumed his life and jeopardized his personal and professional relationships. Antonio was not ready to be a prisoner of the pills. He researched, tried different withdrawal medications, and implemented his own strategies to overcome his addiction. His journey was filled with setbacks, mood changes, and depressing moments, but ultimately he emerged stronger and more resilient.

Slaying the Dragon is a touching story with powerful lessons about discipline, determination, and never giving up. It is a memoir, business book, and motivational tale all in one. Its diversity ensures that every reader has something they can relate to and learn from. I did not want to put the book down at any moment because of Antonio Iozzo’s engaging writing. The cliffhangers at the end of every chapter, the unpredictable story, and the intriguing chapter titles make the book an enthralling read that captivates from start to finish. With the ongoing battle against opioid addiction, this book is a much-needed resource that educates readers, offers insight into the personal struggles of addicts, and highlights the importance of resilience in overcoming challenges. Overall, Slaying the Dragon serves as a cautionary and inspiring tale for anyone grappling with addiction, illustrating not only the depths of despair but also the strength of the human spirit to prevail against formidable odds.