Snowflake Baby

Children - Picture Book
14 Pages
Reviewed on 11/17/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lynette Fowlston for Readers' Favorite

"Snowflake Baby" by Elise Broach is a wonderful board book for children up to 3 years. With some beautiful illustrations by Cori Doerrfeld to help capture the interest of your child, it will also help bring the story to life as they look at the pictures while you read. On each page one finds a little flap that when lifted deals with the subject on that particular page,and each page has a rhyme. The story comes alive when the right amount of emphasis is placed while reading.

What I like about the book is the sturdy pages that children cannot tear. With plans to use the book in the church nursery where children like to get a little exuberant while trying to help you read, the pages in this book will be a major factor. There are many things in this book that one can teach a child. Not only can they learn colors and different articles of clothing, but when used in a Church environment, they can learn about God, even though He is not mentioned we find in the story how He created the snow and the trees and the different animals. As "Snowflake Baby" and puppy fall asleep at the end of the book, this would make a great bedtime story or even for an afternoon nap. I feel that this is one book your child would want read to them more than one time. Parents and grandparents need to look into this book for their child’s library. Recommended for all parents.