Summer's Blood

The Neon Diaries Book 1

Fiction - Thriller - General
400 Pages
Reviewed on 07/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Angelique Papayannopoulos for Readers' Favorite

Summer's Blood (The Neon Diaries, Book 1) by Adele Royce is an exciting thriller that explores the Keller family's life of wealth and success. A wealthy executive with a beautiful wife, four children, and a lavish lifestyle, Craig Keller has it all. Despite appearances, not everything is as it seems. Thirty years after DJ died in a yacht accident, Craig still suffers the grief of his brother's death. When tragedy strikes again and Craig's father dies, Craig's world is turned upside down yet once more and his past comes back to haunt him. Since DJ's body was never found, is he still alive? In the ensuing events, secrets and affairs that have existed for a lifetime are revealed. A life-threatening adventure takes Craig into Las Vegas' dark underbelly, mixing with organized crime syndicates to uncover the truth about the Keller family.

Summer's Blood (The Neon Diaries, Book 1) is a gripping, suspenseful thriller that examines the troublesome life of the rich who become entangled with the dangerous criminal underworld. The story provides a realistic portrayal of the exciting yet sordid life of Las Vegas. Adele Royce has created a well-crafted plot that will keep readers turning the pages and wanting to know what happens next. The storyline’s fast pace and constant drama enhance the expert narrative and realistic characters. Featuring a captivating chain of events that builds up to a rousing finale, this fascinating tale blends romance, suspense, and intrigue. Some mildly explicit sexual situations add to the plot's development. This novel will be entertaining and invigorating for contemporary mystery thrillers and drama fans!