
Young Adult - Adventure
308 Pages
Reviewed on 10/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Superficial by Diane Billas is a YA adventure. Lea is visiting a superhero fan convention with her ex-girlfriend and another friend. When she gets stuck in a lift with Jake, Hollywood’s Amazing Boy, she thinks she’s trapped with a stuck-up actor until she realizes he’s a real-life superhero. When everyone attending the convention is frozen, Jake and Lea realize something bad is going on, and they must work together to hunt down the villain and solve the mystery. This is a race against time, and along the way, Jake and Lea learn a lot about each other and themselves. Will they solve the mystery in time, or is the world doomed?

Superficial by Diane Billas is a fascinating, action-packed story. Each chapter is written from the perspective of one of the two main characters, allowing you to see the story from two different angles. This book is quite fast-paced and has plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing – the twist at the end is not one you’ll see coming. The character development is second to none, introducing readers to two characters they’ll love and find easy to relate to. With a bit of romance and humor thrown in to sweeten the deal, and LGBTQ themes, this is a real edge-of-your-seat page-turner that you won't put down until you reach the end. Although it’s written for young adults, older ones will love it too, and I highly recommend it to all readers who love superhero stories. If you’ve never read one before, it will become your new favorite genre.