Tara of Hawthorne's Hope

Christian - Amish
198 Pages
Reviewed on 06/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Tara of Hawthorne's Hope is a Christian romance novel by Murray Pura. Tara Friesen, a 19-year-old woman, lives with her family in the peaceful Amish community of Hawthorne Forge in Upper Michigan. When a handsome new blacksmith comes into town, the young women of Hawthorne can't wait to catch his eye. Pieter Yoder grew up among the 'English,' and while searching for his replacement apprentice, he comes across Tara and her younger sister Junia, who are eager to work in his forge. Meanwhile, the families who abandoned the community ten years ago return to Hawthorne Hall, where Tara meets Eli. Torn between her feelings for two men, Pieter and Eli, Tara struggles to conform to the Jakob movement. Is there a chance for the community to unite under one faith? Can Tara get over her differences with Pieter?

Murray Pura offers readers a rare glimpse into the workings of a close-knit Amish community with this captivating coming-of-age story. Tara of Hawthorne's Hope is a tale about a young woman navigating love, faith, and family life and her search for self-discovery. With an absorbing narrative, the author captures the essence of the Amish way of life and beautifully portrays it using smooth prose that makes for an enrapturing read. The plot is very well-paced, and the characters have a salt-of-the-earth quality that readers can relate to. The conversations between Tara and Pieter were my favorite parts of the story. I also liked Junia's lively personality. Although primarily written for Christians, I think even non-Christian readers will find a lot to love about this book. If you enjoy character-driven stories and romance, definitely check out this book!