Temple Made

Profiles in Grit

Non-Fiction - Biography
160 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Constance Stadler for Readers' Favorite

Since the inception of its motto, "Perseverance Conquers," the idea of Temple Made has been seen as its living embodiment, dating as far back as the interpretation of the university's founder. Over more than two centuries, this precept still reflects the university ethos, which has inspired a continuum of astounding achievement without seeking self-aggrandizement. In the biographical synopses of thirty Temple alumni, it becomes clear that the impetus of Temple Made: Profiles in Grit is to recognize monumental acts of selfless giving. Contemporary fidelity to this foundational mandate remains absolute, evidenced by the interpreted motto in concert with the title. Made must be hewn and forged—not founded by academic rigor alone. The author, Ronnyjane Goldsmith, explains how grit speaks of courage, commitment, and integrity. A critical aspect of the book is that the synopsis of those whose lives have exemplified this dictum remains an ongoing impetus for current students. Although many of those have received recognition in their fields, they are not widely known to the public, and they need to be known as sources of inspired motivation. Such contributions exemplify what it means to be genuinely humane. What's particularly remarkable is that many of these accomplished alumni came from impoverished backgrounds characterized by seemingly overwhelming struggles and social barriers, where the prospect of attending college seemed impossible.

Ronnyjane Goldsmith includes artists such as the author of a self-help book translated into 25 languages, and those who have broken through glass ceilings, opening doors for millions of people who faced limitations due to ethnic prejudice, gender bias, and societal barriers. There is the proud acknowledgment of a world-renowned geneticist who eliminated tuition debt from a distinguished university, the work of a social scientist whose expertise contributed to ending school segregation, and one of the most significant leaders in Namibia's liberation struggle whose exceptional diplomacy led to a prominent position in the United Nations. These representative summations merely scratch the surface of what the book entails and signifies. What is seminal to grasping the essence of Temple Made: Profiles in Grit is to appreciate these profiles as being laudatory in their own right and emblematic for every Temple student. Repeatedly demonstrating committed perseverance speaks of a readership well beyond those affiliated with the University. This collection of the greatness of those driven by visionary pragmatism—doing what was needed—and ascending to the heights of lasting accomplishment is indelibly celebrated. In every respect, the significance of Temple Made is truly extraordinary.

Adanna Ora

Every university’s dream is to have its students perform excellently. When the students go beyond that to have a formidable impact on their world, it fills their alma mater with an overwhelming sense of pride. Temple University in Philadelphia, USA, is one university with great individuals who have made great strides in their different endeavors. Ronnyjane Goldsmith, with the help of two Temple University students, collates the biographies of the lives of great alumni of Temple University into Temple Made: Profiles in Grit. These biographies show the impact of Temple University students in the fields of science and technology, arts and design, theater writing, literature, sports, law, politics, and so much more. In the lives of these great achievers, the common denominator is that they attended a university that gave them the platform to express and explore their God-given gifts and potential.

The stories of Temple Made students are stories that everyone should read. These are the stories of determination, grit, resilience, diligence, mistakes, and hard work. One of the facts that stood out for me was that many of these people were from humble backgrounds, yet they fought their way to the top to become respected figures. Temple Made, aside from taking us through history, covers the themes of racism, gender bias, inequality, and the effects of wrong association. These problems, and many more, were what these great products of Temple University experienced. I commend the intensive research and referencing shown in Temple Made. I love the fact that we are exposed to all sides of these people, and, more importantly, that we are inspired and mindful of the mistakes they made to avoid repeating them. I thank Ronnyjane Goldsmith for this beautiful piece of work.

Luwi Nyakansaila

Temple Made by Ronnyjane Goldsmith is a collection of biographies that showcase the remarkable achievements of Temple University alumni who have had a significant impact on the world. Despite facing hardships and stereotypes, these individuals have excelled in various fields, and their stories serve as inspiring examples of perseverance and determination. The book features individuals who have succeeded in entrepreneurship, entertainment, politics, cable television, sports, music, technology, and more. These include pioneers in their respective fields such as the first Indian American sports anchor on an American national sports network, the first Puerto Rican woman to hold the title of El Salvador ambassador, a key player in Namibian independence, and a renowned screenplay writer whose legacy impacted copyright laws. The book also includes stories of artists, fashion designers, and even an astrophysicist who revolutionized the study of the universe.

Temple Made is truly inspiring as it celebrates the human spirit and the achievements of individuals who have overcome obstacles to succeed. The book emphasizes the importance of education and the potential within every individual, delivering a powerful message. Its well-organized structure with specific categories makes it easy to follow and understand. Ronnyjane Goldsmith's extensive research is evident throughout the book, providing a comprehensive and accurate portrayal of Temple University's rich history and legacy. The inclusion of images adds a visual dimension that enhances the overall impact of the stories being shared. Overall, I believe this book is a must-read for anyone interested in Temple University or for those seeking inspiring stories of achievement and perseverance.