The Anonymous Source

Fiction - Thriller - General
356 Pages
Reviewed on 04/07/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Danielle Urban for Readers' Favorite

Inside this brilliant thriller, A.C. Fuller has masterfully woven a world showing the dangers facing all good journalists out there. Dark, edgy, and a story that will ensure readers are kept on the edge of their seats, The Anonymous Source takes readers deep into the path of one man. A man who is a reporter with a company that has just suddenly merged with another company, making it the most feared merger of all time. With the help of a woman and other friends, Alex uncovers the big money secret that many are willing to kill for to keep hidden. A secret that can destroy the biggest company merger of the digital media world. What happens to Alex and the truth will have to be something that readers find out on their own.

The Anonymous Source by A.C. Fuller is one riveting read. This thriller will give readers everything and more. Action, suspense, and danger hang in the air like a thick fog on every page. I was impressed with A.C. Fuller's way of luring readers straight into a tragedy and then into a deadly scenario. A fast-paced adventure that will continue to excite and lure readers into its plot every time. A.C. Fuller is indeed a master at creating a story line that is complex, fascinating, and will keep readers' adrenaline pumping. The Anonymous Source is by far the most promising thriller I have read in a while. I enjoyed reading this stunning and well-written novel. The writing is incredible. Powerful, exciting, and a highly entertaining thriller. Overall, I would highly recommend The Anonymous Source to readers everywhere.