The Bayrose Files

Fiction - Literary
90 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Bayrose Files by Diane Wald is the story of an aspiring journalist who gets into a morally questionable situation that she later regrets. Violet Maris was twenty-six years old and a budding literary critic for a minor Boston newspaper when she heard of "The Home," a haven for bohemian artists and writers in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Eager to make her mark in journalism, Violet plans to write a tell-all investigative piece on the place, using the fictional stories of her close friend and mentor, Spencer, to get a fellowship at The Home. Little did she know that she would befriend some of her talented colleagues and end up having an affair with a married writer. Additionally, Spencer's ailing health complicates matters further, with Violet already filled with guilt and regret over her actions.

Diane Wald's concise narrative and the character-driven plot make this novella a joy. With a colorful combination of humor, romance, drama, and intrigue, the pages of The Bayrose Files fly past effortlessly. I finished the book in a single sitting and enjoyed every moment. Wald's dry humor hit all the right notes for me, and I found myself unexpectedly chuckling out loud at multiple points in the story. The dialogue is witty, and all the character interactions feel organic. It makes the story all the more immersive and fun to read. I love how Wald makes Violet such a dynamic and layered character in a few pages. Overall, this was a very entertaining reading experience, and I highly recommend the book to short story lovers.