The China-Africa Parallax

A Ryan and Gillian Mystery

Fiction - Mystery - General
192 Pages
Reviewed on 05/11/2011
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Author Biography

A former sportswriter, English teacher, university linguistics professor and catch-and-release angler, Larry likes a variety of music: country, gospel, classical, the 50's, 60's, and 70's and traditional jazz. He belongs to the St. Louis Cardinal Nation, enjoys coffee and all types of ethnic foods. The China-Africa Parallax: a Ryan and Gillian Mystery is his second novel. His first novel was Songs of Sadness, Songs of Love

    Book Review

Reviewed by Paul Johnson for Readers' Favorite

It’s an ominous threat. Representatives of China and Africa are conspiring to steal research data from major US universities. They are serious, deadly serious and will kill anyone who gets in their way in order to achieve their ultimate goal of global economic and military domination. The story involves a newly wedded couple's experiences as university professors who are inadvertently caught up in a high-end theft of top US universities' research materials for the purpose of giving China the edge in its quest to rule the world. Ryan and Gillian assume perilous, key roles central to the FBI plan to thwart the potentially devastating conspiracy.

This story is very well written. Having said that, it wasn’t exactly what I anticipated. First of all, while the author has developed some rather interesting main characters, I found it a little hard to identify with them. I particularly found the ‘I’m a Brit, you’re a Yank' references to be a little overdone. The university settings were good but while many will find the continual reference to Ryan and Gillian being intellectuals who enjoy fine food, drink, music, and friends as a key part of the story, I thought it was a little overused. However, the story is after all a mystery. While the plot developed a little slowly for me, a little too much routine day to day activity, as with any good mystery, the intrigue developed throughout and surged to an unexpected climax, providing an overall satisfying read.