The Circle of TIE

Fiction - Thriller - Terrorist
324 Pages
Reviewed on 10/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Circle of TIE by Amina Warsuma is a political and religious drama, set amidst the turmoil of war. The story follows the Azeem family, particularly sisters Heleema and Emani, as they navigate the horrors of civil war in Beirut. As they try to survive amid political chaos, family loyalties are tested, and they become entangled with terrorist organizations. The novel explores themes of survival, familial bonds, religious extremism, and revenge in the face of an ever-changing political landscape. The author has crafted a vivid and emotionally charged story about life in a war-torn country, capturing the physical and psychological impacts of conflict with total authenticity. A lot of empathy and passion for the subject has gone into writing this novel.

Warsuma's exploration of religious and political extremism is well-researched and nuanced, weaving a thought-provoking narrative that challenges the basic idea of good and evil, offering something far more complex. The strong-willed Heleema and sensitive Emani are portrayed with depth and up-close narration, allowing readers to empathize with their struggles as they confront personal demons and family duty. The dialogue they have with other characters shows a lot of emotion and attitude naturally, without ever having to spoon-feed the reader, and this makes for some really intelligent storytelling and firsthand, emotive experiences of civil war. The narrative is a great balance of intense action scenes, depicting realistic traumas, paired with moments of quiet introspection that bring the personal messages home. Overall, The Circle of TIE by Amina Warsuma is a highly recommended read for fans of character-driven stories with realism and emotion at the core.