The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Challenges and Opportunities

Non-Fiction - Education
153 Pages
Reviewed on 05/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Zahid Sheikh for Readers' Favorite

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities by Ashish K. Saxena covers the various issues concerning the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence. The author discusses numerous topics, beginning with the possibilities of AI from prejudice to implications for jobs, privacy, and security. He examines the moral requirements that businesses and individuals engaged in AI development and application must meet to guarantee the appropriate use of the technology. He highlights the future of AI through case studies and theoretical analysis and outlines the potential and risks of AI as a widely-discussed technology that shapes human life. With case studies and theoretical discourses, the author enshrines and defines an emerging technology, inviting readers to thoughtfully consider its positive and negative effects.

Ashish K. Saxena offers both a conceptual approach and practical implementation regarding the ethical issues found in AI technologies, which are useful for readers of different expertise in the field. His strength is that he uses a lot of theoretical analysis but is always quick to give an example that shows how things work in real life. The author’s approach analyzes the pros and cons of AI, recognizing it as a tool that has its advantages but has challenges at the same time. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence is a helpful guide to persons interested in the subject matter owing to its coherent presentation of facts and arguments on the topic. The author is comprehensive, concise, and timely, making this an invaluable resource for learning more about the contemporary ethical issues surrounding Artificial Intelligence.