The Face of Fear

A Powers and Johnson Novel

Fiction - Thriller - General
468 Pages
Reviewed on 07/31/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Denise Stern for Readers' Favorite

The Face of Fear, authored by R.J. Torbert, introduces the character of Ghost Face in Long Island, New York. The story mainly revolves around the perspectives of two detectives dealing with public fear and pressure to resolve a kidnapping. This incident occurred on the Cross Island Ferry and ultimately leads them into a hunt for a killer. The novel intertwines the private as well as public personas and lives of the detectives, supporting characters, and of course, a sadistic nemesis that threatens the safety and security of Long Island residents. The steady progression of the plot creates an increasing crescendo of suspense for the reader, inexorably drawn into a cat and mouse game that takes place in the village of Port Jefferson. Yet in the end, nothing is as it seems…

Author R.J. Torbert has created a novel that not only explores the concept of good and evil, with characters on either side of that spectrum, but also the human psyche, emotions, and behaviors of not only the protagonists, but the ultimate antagonist. While the novel's content may not appeal to everyone, The Face of Fear introduces a high level of suspense and drama. Some structural issues may be distracting to some readers, as can sometimes choppy dialogue and narrative, but overall, the plot is well developed and shows a steady progress of development. Rendered with a sinister and scary antagonist, one capable of giving the reader the creeps, R.J. Torbert has done himself proud in the introduction of such a character to the reading public.