The Farmer's Crop

Children - Christian
28 Pages
Reviewed on 09/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Stephanie Lynn for Readers' Favorite

The Farmer's Crop by Andrew Abel is a retelling of the Parable of the Sower set to rhyme and paired with mentally stimulating black-and-white images by talented illustrator Carolyn Chaffee Li. Her block print style, alongside the rhymes, makes the story exciting for both parents and children alike. The story follows the basic outline that Jesus gives in the Bible about planting good seeds and tells readers that our heart condition determines the condition of the ground and what is likely to come of the seeds we plant. If the heart is willing to receive truth, the seeds will thrive. But life sometimes brings troubles and sorrows, making it harder for the truth to take root. Each page contains a quick rhyme that is easy to read and is followed by another stunning illustration.

The Farmer's Crop by Andrew Abel is an entertaining read. The book offers a fun way for children to learn the lessons of the Parable of the Sower with an easy-to-remember rhyme. This is a quick read that is sure to delight again and again. The bold illustrations offer visually exciting images to enjoy as the young reader goes along. The poetry is simple yet profound, inspiring readers to recall the importance of speaking the truth and encouraging them to share God's truth with others. Whether at home, school, or church, this story will remind children and adults alike of the simple act of being king and loving those around us, sharing the good news with everyone we meet. This sweet book helps us to remember this simple truth and hopefully will bring a smile to the faces of readers and listeners alike. Whether your child is just learning to read or has been reading for a while, this story is a beautiful glimpse of God's plan for His children here on earth. To plant seeds! We are to spread seeds of truth and love, caring for those around us in all that we do.