The Hennessy Lie

Young Adult - Thriller
314 Pages
Reviewed on 08/05/2024
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Author Biography

Award-winning author Annette Masters has taught first through third grade, worked as a certified veterinary technician in the small animal intensive care units of both the University of Florida and University of Georgia Colleges of Veterinary Medicine, and managed her family’s animal hospital. The best chapter of her life (so far) was traveling the East Coast as a horse show mom with her daughters and their horses. She lives and writes on a small farm in Florida.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Annette Masters’ novel, The Hennessy Lie, is a unique blend of secrets, deception, and the dangerous quest for truth, set against the backdrop of an atmospheric estate. With a touch of romance, this YA thriller captivates from start to finish. The story follows Piper Covington, a young woman grappling with a haunting family legacy. Raised on her mother’s chilling tales of a monstrous father who died before she was born, Piper’s search for identity takes a treacherous turn when a stranger hints at her connection to the wealthy Hennessy family. Allegations of a hidden fortune and a contested inheritance propel Piper into a dangerous hunt for her father’s elusive will, leading her to confront not only her own fears but also unexpected adversaries—including a captivating yet enigmatic rival.

Annette Masters weaves multiple layers of intrigue, blending Piper’s personal journey with suspense. As Piper digs deeper into the history of the Hennessys, each revelation uncovers a new twist. The author’s pacing adds to the suspense. Piper’s complex relationship with her newfound rival is central to the narrative. The eerie atmosphere and vivid descriptions transport readers into a world where every shadow conceals a potential threat, and every clue leads deeper into a labyrinth of family intrigue. The Hennessy Lie blends suspense, romance, and mystery with skillful storytelling. Readers who enjoy a good mystery that keeps them guessing will want to read The Hennessy Lie. Piper is a likable character, and readers will feel for her and cheer for her as she unravels the mystery of her existence.

Tanya Kays

At 18, Piper Covington longs to know her true parentage. As a child, her mother filled her with dreaded stories of her father, painted as a monster. Piper has had an identity crisis ever since. Even as a university student, she longs to know her father. While on her way to her off-campus apartment, a man approaches her and hands her an envelope. The contents are from her allegedly deceased father. Piper learns her father's name is Henry Hennessy, and he has bequeathed her a key to a safety deposit box. To reclaim the Hennessy fortune as its rightful heir, Piper needs to locate her father's will. But she isn't the only one looking for it. With the help of her best friend, Piper sets out on a thrilling adventure to uncover her true heritage. Get a copy of Annette Masters' The Hennessy Lie to be a part of this exciting adventure.

This enthralling YA novel is stacked with many iconic moments. It reminds us that family is more than our flesh and blood relations. Family also includes the people who stand by us through the good and bad times. Piper learns this lesson well. When her friendship with her best friend is jeopardized during their quest, Piper has to do some deep soul-searching and maneuver through the many hurdles that come her way while staying alive. She is the character that undergoes the most transformation during the story, making this a noteworthy read. Overall, the plot is well-paced and gripping. Fans of suspense thrillers won't be disappointed. This novel is full of unexpected twists and turns and intriguing character developments. I genuinely enjoyed reading The Hennessy Lie. I'm sure other readers will enjoy it too.

Keana Sackett-Moomey

In Annette Masters' The Hennessy Lie, Piper is a young adult about to embark on a dangerous and thrilling journey. Piper is struggling with her university life, and she constantly hears the critical voice of her overbearing mother in her head. Piper doesn't know much about her father. Her mother insists that he's a monster who died before her birth. Piper yearns for a real family. Thankfully, she has the support of Mia, her best friend, Mia's entire family, and Leo, her mom's boyfriend. One day, Piper is approached by a stranger and given a package on behalf of her deceased father. As it turns out, her father left her a substantial inheritance, but she must retrieve his missing will to legitimize the offer. Other background players seek to disinherit her. As Piper draws closer to learning more about her lineage, she encounters many dangerous family secrets and lies. Can she unearth the truth before it's too late and discover her identity?

The Hennessy Lie is a thrilling blend of sibling-like friendships, enemies-to-lovers romance, family secrets, and a high-stakes treasure hunt. It is set in the mysterious world of the Hennessys and is bursting with nonstop twists that will keep you guessing until the final page. Piper is a remarkably likable main character, and her ability to eventually manage the privileged people she is suddenly surrounded by is commendable. Annette Masters' well-crafted novel superbly captures the YA world. It is a world fraught with teenage angst and inner conflict. This novel is perfect for readers who enjoy romance, suspense, and coming-of-age stories. It features a large but memorable cast of colorful characters. The Hennessy Lie is fast-paced and addictive--you'll have trouble putting it down after the first chapter. If you're a fan of the inheritance genre and enjoy books like Truly Devious and One of Us is Lying, this novel will win your heart and approval.

Priya Mathew

The Hennessy Lie by Annette Masters is a gripping YA novel that drew me into the story from the very first page. Piper Covington, a naïve university student in Gainesville, has her whole world turned upside down when a stranger on a bus informs her of an unexpected inheritance from her father. Having been raised by a solitary mother who was always demanding and doubly cautious, Piper grew up learning to suppress her instincts and follow her mother’s plans, even planning to be a vet despite her passion for history. Having grown up hearing stories of her father who was cruel to her mother and relatives who abandoned them, Piper is bewildered by the news of an inheritance and a father who might not be the monster she was led to believe. As she tries to fit together the clues to uncover her family’s legacy, she is racing against time and against players who seem to know the rules better than she does. Piper must sift through lies to find the truth, and discern between genuine friends and those who want her because of the hidden treasure. Will the path to her inheritance, filled with secrets and facades, endanger her loved ones?

Annette Masters employed a vivid and suspenseful writing style in The Hennessy Lie. The narrative is rich in descriptive language and effectively used sensory details to immerse me in Piper’s experiences. It almost felt like I was plugged into Piper’s feelings and frustrations and could feel the sense of tension and unease throughout the story. I especially liked Piper's metaphor about the body being governed by a committee, with Piper not being a voting member, to depict her internal struggle and lack of autonomy. This imagery encapsulates Piper’s conflicting emotions and external pressures that shape her decisions. I loved Mia and Piper’s friendship, their secret sign language, and how they 'got' each other. The plot maintains a brisk pace, with unexpected twists in between everyday interactions to keep the suspense ongoing and the reader wanting to know more. While the main plot revolves around figuring out the clues left by Piper’s father and locating his final will, the story also highlights the importance of family. Mia’s family and Leo, Piper’s mom’s ex-boyfriend, rally around Piper in her time of need, showing that the ties of family extend beyond blood relations. This added a heartfelt layer to the narrative, emphasizing the value of genuine connections and support.

Ananya Hazarika

Prepare to immerse yourself in the captivating The Hennessy Lie by Annette Masters. The story revolves around Piper Covington, an anxious and insecure 18-year-old living under her mother's strict rules. Due to her mother's indifferent attitude toward her, Piper struggles with a sense of belonging and feels deprived of a family. However, she soon learns about her deceased father's million-dollar estate and the possibility that she might be the sole heir to an old legacy. To claim her inheritance, she must first locate the elusive deed. As she deciphers her father's cryptic messages and follows a trail of clues, she encounters a diverse group of individuals with hidden agendas, including the complex Hilda, the dubious Topher, and the enigmatic Hennessy. The unfolding story is a captivating web of deception, danger, and mystery as Piper delves deeper into her inheritance, uncovering shocking truths and forming unexpected alliances.

If you're looking for a combination of mystery, drama, and emotional depth, The Hennessy Lie by Annette Masters is a must-read. The book explores themes of love, friendship, family secrets, betrayal, and self-discovery. Annette seamlessly weaves past and present to create an engaging and multilayered narrative. I'm impressed with how key pieces of information are hidden until the end, creating a sense of mystery and keeping readers engaged and guessing. Each character is unique and distinct. They depict complex human emotions that resonate with the universal struggle of finding one's place amidst chaos and uncertainty. Since the story is told from Piper Covington's perspective, readers experience her thoughts, fears, and emotional turmoil directly, creating vivid descriptions and images.