The Kitty Cat Brigade

Children - Picture Book
28 Pages
Reviewed on 05/15/2024
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Author Biography

As a child I was impressed by the stories my best and still friend would write and decided to take up writing stories myself. Those early stories were mainly written for my own and family members enjoyment. The Kitty Cat Brigade is my first published book. While writing is important to me it is not my only interest. My other passion is riding horses. It is a hobby started as a child. Though I have not been on a horse in years, I am looking forward to starting riding lessons again with the goal to compete in shows once more. My other hobbies include hiking, playing the piano, cooking, and photography. I am currently working at getting my second picture book published and have an outline started for a third book. My third book will be a short story for middle to older children.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

The Kitty Cat Brigade is a children's picture book written by Julianne Dumas with art by Blueberry Illustrations. It follows the story of a group of cats who bring joy and entertainment to the woodland. One sunny day, all the animals in the woods gather to watch The Kitty Cat Brigade march by. They stand in place with hearts filled with anticipation and excitement as the tabby cats and gray and white cats playing piccolos and horns lead the way, playing sweet tunes that delight the spectators. More cats join in, including calicos and marmalades, playing drums, bells, and cymbals. Join the cats and the woodland animals as they enjoy a wonderful time, celebrating music in their enchanting paradise.

The Kitty Cat Brigade is a delightful story that is sure to bring a smile to your face. Julianne Dumas uses simple words that children can easily understand, and a casual tone that will appeal to them. Her creative idea of combining music and nature adds an interesting twist that will captivate children's interest and spark their imaginations. The book educates children about different types of cats and musical instruments, with beautiful illustrations that perfectly complement the story, showcasing the talented cats and the excited woodland creatures. Every character is brought to life, and the lush greenery and bright colors make the book visually appealing. The illustrations are on separate pages from the text, making it easy to read. I highly recommend adding this book to your children's library.