The Legend of Rachel Petersen

Fiction - Paranormal
144 Pages
Reviewed on 11/04/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Brenda Casto for Readers' Favorite

Christian Kane is a sportswriter who is a bit behind in the times. He really isn't into electronic gadgets, but that has never stopped him from being on top of his game when it comes to his job. So when the Chief Sports Job comes open he knows he is a shoe in for the job, that is, until the job goes to someone else. When he tells his wife Shelby he is going to quit his job and move to the country to become a writer, she is a bit skeptical, and gives him a year to write a book. When his inspiration comes from a lone grave belonging to Rachel Petersen, he quickly has a best seller on his hands, but when he starts seeing Rachel could it be that she is less than happy with him? To say that I enjoyed this story is an understatement! It is really hard to describe just how unique this story is. We start out with Christian and his wife Shelby, and follow them along as they move to the country, a contemporary setting. Then, as Christian starts to write, he effortlessly switches gears and we are drawn back in time to the 1950's where two young boys Seth and Thad Yoder are hunting for deer. In their quest to get the big one, they are led to 12 year old Rachel Petersen's grave. She had lived during the civil war. The Yoder boys soon find themselves being haunted by Rachel, so they decide to find out what the real story is concerning Rachel. This transports the reader back to the Civil War Era. Then the reader is back with Christian, and we learn that we have just read his novel, one that will become a bestseller. The author transitions between past and present effortlessly. I became invested in the lives of Thad and Seth Yoder. I loved the camaraderie that I felt between the two. The author easily captured the sibling relationship. I also felt empathy for Rachel's character, as well as with Sam.

Halloween always puts me in the mood to read "scary" stories, so I decided to read "The Legend of Rachel Petersen" by J.T. Baroni. Here the author takes us on a scary journey, with more twists than a winding Appalachian country road. Mr. Baroni has the ability to make us believe something and then throw in a twist that leaves us shaking our heads. While there is definitely the scare factor in this story, the author actually weaves in humor, mystery and a thrilling story that will keep you mesmerized until the final page!