The Lords of Time

Fiction - Fantasy - General
320 Pages
Reviewed on 03/19/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Hayley K. for Readers' Favorite

Imagine a world where you are under the complete control of the government. Everyone works for the government, including doctors and dentists. Everyone has a dermal implant that monitors what you say and allows you to be located at all times. Words like “ugly” can bring a quick punishment. People are watched by National Security Officers for any fraction, no matter how minor.

Things changed under President Jennifer Gray and the Hydra Plague. No longer were people free to choose how they would live. Universal health care monitored when they went to the dentist or doctor, what they ate, and what they would study. While the Bible had not been banned its used was restricted. The government owned all business and industry.

Thomas was taking a class on Chronological Line Corridor. The students in the class were warned that if they discussed what they learned outside of the classroom their mind would be wiped clean. Some of the students “may be asked to travel back in time and study historical events as they happen.” Sometimes things went wrong, such as during the flu outbreak of 1917-18. A student contracted the flu on one of his time journeys. Neither he nor his instructor knew that he was a carrier. He infected the people of the past. That was unacceptable; the student was “eliminated.”

Thomas had a toothache. Dr. George noticed his fillings were metal. Metal fillings had not been used in many years. That was when Thomas knew something wasn’t right.

I love this book. I have attempted to share just enough of the plot to whet appetites and yet not spoil the adventure. The Lords of Time is a science fiction book. I found the plot fascinating and a bit disturbing. Could this be a prediction of our future? The characters are well defined. The plot is exquisite. I’d love to see this made into a movie.